Chapter 21:

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Graduation. It seems like only months ago, they were starting their senior year. Now that day has come to wear their cap and gown and show the world that they have come so far. Louis stares at his reflection in the mirror. He sees the tattoos and he sees the lip piercings. No matter what he looks like, it doesn't matter because he made it. He actually made it to the finale. He has accomplished so much in this past year and he feels quite proud of himself. He feels especially proud that he was able to ask Harry out.

He looks at his reflection again. He sees that smile, that smile that only Harry can bring out. He realizes that this has really been one of the best years in his high school life, maybe even his whole life. Harry just has this way to make everything better.

Speaking of Harry, he's staring at his own reflection in his own mirror. It seems like just yesterday he was starting high school and now here he is, in his cap and gown, ready to accept his diploma. He also has Louis and that's much more than he asked for when he walked through the doors of his school building. Louis has been the best thing to happen to him and he's not sure what's going to happen after they get their diplomas but he really hope he and Louis will be forever.


They sit packed in the school auditorium. Hundreds of families sit in the bleachers waiting to congratulate their son or daughter on finally finishing high school. Louis and Harry sit together. Thank goodness that they don't have to sit alphabetically or else they would have been separated. Zayn and Liam sit beside them. Then there's Niall on the end, on Liam's other side. The five friends talk animatedly about their past high school experiences. They talk about past teachers, past friendships, and past jokes. It's all so overwhelming and exciting at the same time.

"Alright everyone settle down, it's time to announce this year's graduating class." Cheers are heard before the crowd settles. Harry grips tighter onto Louis' hand. Louis just smiles. As the valedictorian gives her infamous speech, Louis can't seem to take his mind off of Harry, Harry has just been such a big part of his life and he can never imagine leaving him. He can't go a day without seeing his bubbly prince. He really hopes this isn't the end of the road for them.

Soon the graduates are lining up, ready for their names to be called as they accept their diplomas. Harry and Louis stand in line. They look around at the place they called school. For the last four years they've walked this hall and it was only recently that they ran into each other. They stay silent as the make their way to the platform. Soon Harry has made it to the front, Louis right behind him. Harry steps right up the platform and gives the teacher his name card.

"Harry Styles." The man reads. The crowd cheers. Louis shouts for his boy as well. Harry smiles his dimples on full display. He takes his diploma and gives the man a handshake. He looks at the crowd one more time before he walks off to take a photo. As Harry leaves, Louis goes up to take his place, handing his own name card.

"Louis Tomlinson." The crowd claps again and Louis smiles at his family in the stands. He gives the man a handshake and accepts the diploma. He made it. He follows along behind Harry, ready to take his photo. Once that's done, they take their seat again and wait for the end of the ceremony.


"Congratulations class of 2015" The principle shouts and soon caps are flying in the air. The students are shouting and clapping and it's all so loud. They then make their way to their parents smiling and laughing at finally being able say they finished high school. Louis approaches his family, Harry in tow.

"My little boy is all grown up now." His mother cries. Louis gives her a watery smile and a hug. He hugs his sisters and then he turns to Harry. He pulls his baby in close.

"We made it babe." Louis whispers into the embrace. Harry just wraps his arms around tighter. "After this we can do whatever we want. Together," It's a promise like no other and Louis feels so thankful for Harry. He pulls away slightly to come face to face with a teary eyed boy. He wipes away his tears. He leans in slowly, letting his lips linger a bit before the kiss. "I love you Harry." He then pushes his lips further, kissing Harry like there's no tomorrow. After a few moments of kissing Louis pulls away letting his forehead touch Harry's.

 "I love you Louis." And those were three words he would never ever get tired of hearing.

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