chapter twelve

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Hello viewers. I miss you all. And happy new year to everybody.

Please don't forget to vote because it encourages me to write more.

Bella's POV

They are so mean, why did they do it" I asked my self.

Am so hungry, I haven't eaten anything. I have decided not to eat.

Because they were mean to me, I have to get something to eat but I shall not let them know.

I opened the door and peeked, the hallway was dark and I guess they all went to bed, this is the right time to get something to eat.

I tip toed to the kitchen, I was about to open the fridge when the lights came on. I turned and saw them on the couch looking at me furiously. I prepared to run for my room when Tilly speaks up.

" don't take another step if you don't want to be punished" she said sternly. Instead of getting scared I feeling wet.

I stayed there, I hanged my head beacsue I didnt want to see how angry they where with me. After a long pause I looked at them through my lashes and saw them looking at me lustfully.

It then dawned on me, I didnt put on any pantie because I was still burning down there. And the dress I am currently putting on was so short that I could feel the air touching my naked butt.

"Come here" Lolla said. I took baby steps towards them, after I was near them Kate signaled me to sit on her laps.

I said down and looked her her, she was looking at me as if she was trying to read me. I avoid looking at her.

" So you now decide to come down right" she said wishpering in to my ears.

I shivered and swallowed the lump in my throat. I felt her hands caresing my tights. I soon felt wetter.

I felt my cheeks getting red, why am is it feeling hot all of a sudden.

" What where u doing sneaking around" Tilly said stroking me hair. I kept quiet because I don't want them to know that I was here to get food.

" She is asking you something little bird" Kate said dangerously near my ears, before I could reply I feel her placing kisses behind my earlobes. I shuddered and stuttered.

" I came here to look for food, because I was hungry" I told them while trying to hold in back my moan. My mound clenched at the feeling of Kate's hardness pressing in to me.

"You were acting bratty today, don't you think that you deserve a punishment" Lola said sternly. I gulped because of how cold her voice felt. I was speechless after all what would their punishment for me be.

Kate carried me across the room and gently laid me on the couch. I felt someone pulling my dress up, and I began to panic thinking of the medicine.

" Shhh baby don't worry she is just checking on it, calm down" Lolla said and I immediately stopped squirming and looked at them they where looking at something down there I feel myself blushing about the fact. Oh God what are the doing to me.

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