20- Lola: Dresses, dresses and more dresses!

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It was almost three o'clock, and my feet were aching as I dragged them along. I marvelled at Claire, who was still somehow going strong.

"I used to run cross-country." Chelsea told us.

"- and she's killing me here."

There really was no hope.

Claire turned into yet another shop and I groaned, following in after her as Anna tried her best to remain upbeat.

"Well this one seems pretty good."

I couldn't disagree. Even if I'd wanted to I couldn't seem to be able to get my mouth working. It had fallen open in awe at my surroundings, and appeared to be stuck there. The ache in my feet faded into the background as I looked around me.

Dresses, dresses and more dresses, covering every inch of the wall in color coded racks, with shoes and accessories set off in the back. I gawped as Claire ran past the wedding dresses and into the cream section. Chelsea made a beeline for the blues and purples, pulling a few simple dresses from the racks and walking through to the changing rooms. Anna ambled slowly over to the greens as if she had no particular interest, but even from here I could see her eyes light up as she took in some of the designs.

I didn't even know where to start and wandered aimlessly over to Claire. She'd lingered by one of the dresses in the center of the rack and was running her fingers over the fabric. It wasn't so much cream as a pale gold, and I had no doubt that she'd look amazing in it.

"Try it on." I suggested when she didn't move and she smiled before stripping it off the racks along with two or three others. Anna followed her into the cubicles with just two dresses, both very similar. Floor length and simple, elegant.

I browsed through the racks unenthusiastically, each dress seeming to be worse than the last. Was so much diamante really necessary? I headed back to the changing rooms to wait on the seats.

"What do you think?" Chelsea exited the cubicle hesitantly and I smiled. The bright bluey-purple fabric complimented her skin tone perfectly and made her eyes look darker, more vivid.

She looked in the mirror and smiled shyly at her own reflection.

"Derek will love it."

Her smile faltered as she looked back towards me, her eyes narrowing in on something behind my shoulder.


I followed her gaze curiously and raised my eyebrows. Stacy was obviously doing some last minute dress shopping and was currently wearing a short white ruffled dress with a striking red splash of color. Red fabric roses dotted up the top half of the dress and an off the shoulder slash.

She looked over at the sound of her name and met Chelsea's eyes. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment before she sneered and stalked back into the cubicle.

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