(Act 1, The tributes) Chapter 1

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I tossed over to my side as I tried not to wake my little sister I peeked at the clock it was 5 in the morning I sit up and quietly start to get dressed, I changed and put on my old tee-shirt and jeans and my shoes, I made my way over to the docks to pass the time I was skipping rocks on the water I heard footsteps and before I can turn around I feel hands on my shoulders I jump a little I quickly turn around and see Casey I slapped him on the shoulder " damn you Casey. don't sneak up on me like that  "I blurted out loud and we both chuckled.

He untied the canoe, and held out his hand "My lady " he said in a fake accent, I gave him a half smile as I took his hand and we both paddled the canoe to the Middle of the water "Did you bring the fishing poles" I asked he reaches underneath his seat and pulls out the poles we spent the morning fishing I noticed all the fish in the water I cast my fishing poll in the water and we waited. after a few minutes passed I noticed my poll was moving i quickly reeled it in Casey grabbed the Net and soon after we got a lot of fish.

as we got back to the docks I tied up the canoe and I helped Casey get the fish we caught we put them in the cooler. l sat on the docks and Casey sat right next to me I was watching the sunrise, the water was calm and quiet as I looked at the blue-pink sky I rested my head on his lap, and as he played with my hair I gently brought his face closer to mine I can smell the mint on his breath as our lips touched he kissed me and in that moment everything stopped, nothing else matters, it was just the two of us, all I wanted was Him.

He stopped and he looked at my lips, then my nose, and lastly my eyes he smiled, and he touched my face gently I laid back down on his lap running my fingers through his hair he grabbed my hand he brought it closer to his face " as much as I want to stay we better get started and sell the fish before it spoils "I said as I sat up he helped me to my feet.

we walked into town and quickly sold all of our fish we both split the money we made I headed  back home and I kissed Casey goodbye "Are we still on for swimming later " he asked "I'll meet you there ok " I added.

As soon I walked home I noticed my sister outside in the garden with the flowers when she noticed me she ran and gave me a big hug "Is mom back yet" I asked she shook her head no, as we both walked to the kitchen and I got started cooking the fish it was beautiful outside so we ate our food in the garden,  I was braiding my sister's hair when she noticed someone coming.

"Finnick" She yelled as she ran up to him he picked her up and spun her around like when we were all kids "Hey Naomi" Finnick spoke he sat down and I handed him a plate with some fish and seaweed he smiled and mouthed Thank you as he took the plate, "I gotta go" I spoke I sat up" where you going, " Naomi asked, Finnick smirked " say hi to Casey for me" he added.

I smiled as I rolled my eyes " ok Finn "I remarked as I grabbed my bag and walked over to the lake I noticed Casey was skipping rocks I set my bag down as I tried to scare him "Nice try "he gleamed with a smirk he wrapped his arms around me and he threw me in the water. he jumped in after. As we both rose to the surface I splashed him we both chuckled  "I'll race you "he spoke, "You're on!" I added and we were off,  we swam to the docks  and I won.

I watched Casey he was not far behind I watched him as he swam and he was fast, I noticed how his body moved almost like he was flying.

We sat at the docks and watched the fish swimming around Finnick came and joined us we watched him show off his trident  he stood still for a few seconds focusing on the water he waited, and then he threw his trident in the water as he pulled it out,  he caught three fish we both clapped our hands.

"it's getting late ' I said as I waved goodbye to Finn and I kissed Casey as I got to my feet he grabbed my hand "You want to sleep over " he whispered in my ear and I thought about it for a second.

I shake my head yes he smiles and  we both get up together and wave goodbye to Finnick as he heads back to Victor's village.

It was dark outside as we walked to his house he opened the door and we went upstairs to his room I looked around while he sat down on his bed, when I sat down next to him I rested my head on his chest  and I heard his heart beating it's a nice and calm pace and we both quickly fall asleep.

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