Chapter 9

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Day 4.

I woke up with my head pounding, I noticed Emmett adding more wood to the fire "Morning" he spoke we both noticed a white Parachute coming towards us, I looked and it was addressed to the both of us, it  was a canteen with hot cocoa, and extra hat and gloves,  we both shared the hot cocoa, it warmed me up right away.

We went and looked for more wood, Emmett threw a snowball at me, and we both chuckled and started to have a snowball fight, after a while we got more wood and returned to our camp spot." only two more tributes left.' Emmett said looking at me " two more" I added we sat by the fire " what would you do if you won " I asked he looked at the fire for a second before answering.

"I don't know, it would be hard, you know, nothing would be the same, everything's different now "he added I nodded my head "Do you know what I miss," he asked I shook my head, "I miss swimming in the water, other then you, that's the second thing I'm going to miss most," he said as he was warming his hands by the fire "I'm going to get more wood," he said as he got up I shake my head " it's ok, I'll go get it, you stay" I added he nodded his head and sat back down "I'll be back soon," l said while adjusting my hat.

I walked along the snow and I heard the crouching sound underneath my boots, as  I walked into the forest I heard the water crashing on the rocks, I found a tree that fell over I got my ax and began to cut off small parts of the tree, I'm going to need a bigger ax, it would make this faster, i thought to myself, I had a hard time dragging all the wood back to camp, I set it down to catch my breath, I heard a cannon go off.

I just left the wood there and I ran back to camp, as I got closer I noticed blood on the snow and I saw the Boy from 11, it was Maverick on the ground. I ran to Emmett, and there I noticed him,  he was washing up by the water, he then got up and sat down by the fire," are you ok, i was worried" I said out of breath he grabbed my hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I rested my head down on his shoulders, and put my arms around him, after a few moments I felt something wet on my hands, I looked down at my hands and it was bloody "You're bleeding" I said he shook his head "I'm fine" he huffed I shook my head " no your not, let me see" I ordered he looked at me for a second, and then he nodded his head, he looked down and opened his winter coat and lifted his shirt up and his stomach was badly cut up, they were deep,

"Why didn't you tell me you're hurt" I Cried, at that moment I wanted to be wrong, he wiped my tears "Hey don't cry," he said as he placed his hands on his stomach, i didn't want to believe it but he had a look on his face like he gave up. " hold on, Finnick has to send you something" i assured him, he shook his head " nothing is going to help, I'm going to bleed out, and i want you to go, there's only one Tribute left, take her down, if only one of us gets to leave, I want it to be you,I want you to leave," he ordered.

With tears falling down my face I shook my head, "I'm not going, you were there for me, now let me be there for you "I said he wiped my face "As you can tell love, this is very painful" he added "If this is my final moments alive, i get to live knowing that I was loved and Cared for, and not just by anyone, but you, Nevaeh, Levan" he sobbed with tears in his eyes, I was holding onto his hands, I kissed him on his cheek.

in that moment I  brought him in closer I could fell his shaky breath, " I'm going to miss you, " I said, he looked at me and he moved my hair out of my face, he smiled, I saw Flora in the distance. I chased her into the woods.

after running through the woods for a while, I lost her, then I heard the cannon, I already knew, I stopped in my tracks I ran to the water I washed  the blood off my hands, I had to avenge him, I washed my face, I picked up my spear and I ran after Flora. I chased her to the Cornucopia, where we had our final showdown.

I was in the center, I didn't see her, but I could hear her, she charged at me and knocked me off balance, I got my strength and got up, I wiped my face and started to gab at her with my spear, she quickly overpowered me, she threw my spear far away on the other side of the Cornucopia. She  stomped on my leg, I yelled out in pain, and I heard it crack.

She was on top of me, She pinned down both of my arms, I wanted to give up, I just wanted it to end. She punched my face, and she picked up one of the knives that were on the belt I was wearing across my chest, as I was trying to move, she cut my face, and I let out a shriek.

I had enough, I pushed her off and ran to get my Spear off the ground, she jumped up and got herself ready, her weapon in hand, she threw an Ax at me, and it bounced off the wall of the Cornucopia, she grunted out of frustration, she had no other weapons, I took my chances  I charged at her I quickly pinned her down.

I was on top of her, and she was Squirming around, "Well go on, finish the job," she spoke as she tried to get up, I slammed her back down, and I had my spear ready , I finished her off, I heard the final Canon sound. I saw an airship fly above me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Winner of the 68th Hunger Games " Vito's Voice echoed over the loudspeakers

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