Chapter 5

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I wake up to Finnick knocking at my door "Nevaeh, Nova says breakfast is ready, and we should be entering the Capital soon"

As I sit up I rub my eyes and stretch "Sounds good" I yawn, I get dressed and I walk into the cart where everyone is eating i pick up an apple and take a seat by the window

Nova walked into the room " ok my tributes, time to go over our plan to wow the capital it's our job to get you sponsors and get you ready, Nevaeh, You're a pretty girl, use your charm, it will get you a lot of spon-"  Finnick interrupted " They're not doing that Nova," she looked at him

" Nova can I talk to our Tributes alone" Finnick asked, Nova nodded her head and left the room,
"Ok forget what she told you two, Emmett you need to show off your strength and intimidate the other tributes," Finnick went on as he looked at Nevaeh "You too, this is the hunger games, show no fear, but don't show off, save it for the arena, when that count down goes off I want the both of you to take what you need from the cornucopia, and leave, it's going to be a blood-bath, and go find water, and shelter, do whatever you need to win," Finnick ordered.

A girl walked in she looked no older than Finnick " I'm Cove and I'll be one of your mentors" she introduced herself and They all watched the reapings of the other Districts.

"Alright 4 is a career district, if you want, I recommend you make the rest of the Career your ally or stick together if that's what you want" Cove spoke

"Alright, district 1, Jewel & Shine" Finnick spoke as Shine and Jewel both appeared on screen holding hands and the crowd yelling and cheering them on.

"OK Next, District 2, we have Flora & Tiberius" Cove walked around the room rubbing her temples, i watched the screen as  Flora smiled and blew kisses to the crowd 
And Ty smirks at the cameras and waves to the crowd, loving every minute of it.

"And the last of the careers, is District 3, Nexus, and Chip, these Careers will be dangerous, if you want my advice, I will join forces and make them my allies, especially in the bloodbath, but they are notorious for turning on 4 throughout the games, so I would get close enough to learn their weakness and use it Against them" Finnick added Cove was nodding her head in agreement.

As he goes through the rest of the Tributes one pair sticks out to me, district 8, they are the youngest ones, and I hope when it comes down to it, their deaths are quick and painless,
I watched as the little girl Linen smiled and waved to the crowd and Twirls around the stage, the young boy Denim was standing there they were holding hands and he lifted them up in the air, the crowd went crazy with cheers, it made my stomach turn, the little girl linen reminds me of my little sister, Neomi, I couldn't think of her in the games, I feel for them, it was almost cruel, putting them in the arena with others twice their age. I feel a tear fall down my cheek i quickly wipe it away with my hand Emmette notices he grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

As Cove finished with District 12, Nova walked in "We have arrived at the capital " she added and she motioned for both me and Emmett, to the window we both waved, the capital loved it as they all cheered our names. 

Nova walked us into different rooms there I was greeted by my prep team the doors opened and a man covered in gold walked in he reached to shake my hand "I'm Nyx, I'll be your stylist"
He spoke," Let's get started" he grabbed a gorgeous dress, and tied my hair in braids and he put it into a bun, ' to show off your face" he smiled.

As he does my makeup, one girl helps me with my heels she wraps them around my leg and one boy grabs my hand and puts some nails on, they are cold as they touch my skin, " have a look" he spins me around.

As I walked to the mirror I didn't even recognize myself, I was covered in glitter and gold, I noticed Nova walking in and let out gasped when she saw me" Ohh my, Nevaeh you're a dream, Nyx you really outdid yourself" she spoke, Nyx smiles and spins me around, Nova smiles and took my hand and she walks with me to the chariots.
Nevaeh & Emmett's outfits for the Tribute Parade

________________________________Nevaeh & Emmett's outfits for the Tribute Parade

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As I walked up Finnick and Emmett noticed me right away, Finnick took my hand " You look stunning, I think every man here nearly broke their knecks' he teased, I smirk and Emmett helped me onto the chariot " Where's Cove " I asked I looked at both...

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As I walked up Finnick and Emmett noticed me right away, Finnick took my hand " You look stunning, I think every man here nearly broke their knecks' he teased, I smirk and Emmett helped me onto the chariot " Where's Cove " I asked I looked at both of them " she went to go talk to some Potential sponsors "Finnick assured before I know it we began to move I waved to the crowd and smile.

As we make our way through the crowds they were throwing flowers at all the tributes i can hear our names being called in the crowds. " trust me' Emmett smiles he holds my hand and lifts it high in the air and the crowd roars with cheers. When the chariots came to a stop in front of the President, the Panem's anthem played over the speakers after the President's speech we made our way back to the training center.

Emmett helps me down from the chariots "Thank you " I said hugging him. Finnick came by he was feeding the horses some sugar cubes" You want one " he smirked before throwing one in the air and  Catching it in his mouth "Sure" I added he handed me two and I shared with Emmett and we made our way to our rooms on the fourth floor.

I returned to the living room where everyone was sitting on the couch " I finally got all the glitter and gold out of my hair " I chuckled we all heard the doors open and Cove returned" You have your first sponsor ' Cove beamed.

I take a seat next to Emmett and for the rest of the night we watch the past Hunger Games together, 5 games in I can't watch anymore " I think Imma go to bed " I try my best to yawn I get up, and walk over to my Room I look around I found a switch on the wall and it changes my view, I could see the capital skyline or the forest I switched it one last time, it was my favorite the screen change to the ocean. I couldn't sleep I sat up in my bed and stared at the water on the screen, I walked into the kitchen and noticed Emmett sitting by the window I sat down next to him.

" you couldn't sleep either, huh," he asked, I nodded my head, "Yep" I added we sat in silence for a few minutes, he looked at me thinking to himself for a moment. "What are you thinking about " he asked, I turned my head around to look at him "My loved one back home " I answered he was still looking at me he held my hand "So what's the plan, whatever you want to do I'm with you, if you can't trust anyone in that arena, just know you can trust me" he assured.

" I was thinking about what Finn said, we might need the careers' help, but after 4 days then we should separate,' I spoke, and he nodded his head.

He thinks to himself ' do you remember, our first date" he asks, i think back and smile " How could i forget, you took me for a late night canoe ride, and you fell in the water " I chuckled

He let out a laugh " yea that's right, and you tried to save me' he added i covered my mouth to not wake anyone "I'm sorry," he spoke up i looked at him " for what, you didn't do anything " i Assured him, he looks at the clock "Well tomorrow's first day of training, we should get some sleep " he said and got up and walked away he stopped for a sec ' good night Nevaeh" he added before going back to his room, and I returned to my room I watched the water on the screen and drifted off to sleep.

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