Chapter 6

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I woke up and showed up after I made my bad and walked into the kitchen where Finnick and Emmett were talking "So you guys decided to work with the careers good, but remember, play nice,' he spoke looking at the both of us " also the game makers will be there to watch, remember don't show off yet, Vito Gaul will be there " Finnick said I looked at him confused " who's Vito Gaul? "I asked. As I took my seat next to Emmett.

Clove was purring herself a glass of water and joined us at the table " he's the head Game maker, really ruthless, remember the 63rd  games" she added i thought back "Yeah, It was deemed the most Deadliest game in history, there was almost no victor that year" I spoke " yes, he is also very hard to please" Finnick warned.

after we both got dressed in our training outfits Emmett and I walked to the training center everyone was looking at us as we walked in, and a lady was speaking "Gather around tributes, listen up, in two weeks, 23 of you will be dead. One of you will be alive." she ordered, everyone was watching her, "No fighting with the other tributes, there will be plenty of time for that in the arena, My advice is don't ignore the survival skills, everybody wants to grab a weapon. But most of you will die from natural causes.10 percent from infection,20 percent from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife." she added, after she finished speaking everybody left to do their own thing.

"Let's go make some allies, " I whispered in Emmett's ear, we walked over to the Careers.
they were rope climbing "Hey guys, I'm Nevaeh, "I said as I looked up to the game makers in their box  "And I'm Emmett" he added the careers all exchanged looks.

the tributes from 2 Introduced themselves 'I'm Flora " she spoke up and the boy behind her walked up to us" hii, I'm Tiberius, but most people call me Ty " he said holding his hand out I shook his hand and the rest quickly followed " alright let's see what you're made of 4, " Ty huffed .

the girls took Emmett's hand and guided him over to the survival station I followed the boys over to climbed the rope we all took our turns.

" so this your first time in the capital? " Shine asked I nodded my head " yea, it's my first time, it's very different from 4 "I added he nodded his head and started to climb the ropes i followed him.

"No way, there's a drink in the capital that makes you sick, so you can eat more food," I asked and Shine nodded his head.

Then we threw knives. I watched them all closely, after a while I picked up three knives, and one by one they all hit the center of the dummy  "That's all " Shine spoke up he took three knives as well and he missed all but one dummy, he turned around his face was all red.

I faked yawned and picked up one more knife, I threw up in the air and caught it  "Watch and learn "I smirked and threw it at an angle "Ha, you missed "Chip chuckled as I walked away I heard the knife hit my target the boys walked up closer to the dummy and saw it hit in between the eyes " Whoa" I heard them under their Breaths.

I walk past the survival station  "Bye ladies " Emmett smirked we both walked over to get water" ok I think we did it, the girls said they want to be our allies ' he whispered "The boys too, I think I left an impression on them "I added, for the rest of training Emmett and I did our own thing I watched the other tributes Closely I walked over to the tributes from 8.

"Hey, you know if you rub your sticks fast, it creates more friction, you will get your fire started much faster, like this, " I said, Denim handed me the sticks and I helped them with their fire "and another tip, I know it's tempting to start a fire, Especially at night, when your cold and freezing, but the light is a dead give away, everyone will know where you are " I winked, Linen smiled up at me with the biggest brown eyes.

" ok tributes that's enough for today' Vito spoke, we walked into the apartment, and I  took a seat on the couch the doors opened and Finnick sat next to me, " so how'd it go, what did you find out, " he asked.

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