Chapter 1

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The lights of the city illuminated the dark night almost as if the day in that place had never ended. As much as the sun had now set giving way to that mysterious full moon hypnotic in the eyes of those who observe it, no one barely noticed it eclipse as it was by huge skyscrapers, gloomy and depressing buildings that towered over the surrounding panorama. Moving further and further away from the noisy and chaotic city center you find yourself in steep and narrow streets now ruined and forgotten, replaced by highways and major roads. Illuminated only by a few poorly functioning street lamps there was a small street that led on one side towards the river, that place was rarely frequented, especially at night, since that was an industrial district, but in that particular moment strangely it was not desolate there was someone walking slowly on the sidewalk, a woman with a tired appearance, probably tired after a tiring day of work with overtime until late at night. She was a young woman, about twenty-five years old, she looked normal if you can say so, with dark hair and eyes and medium height, relatively small. The tired woman leaned against the railing overlooking the river, which was strangely different, in fact it was usually a dark greenish color, polluted by sewage but at that moment in her eyes it was clear, crystal clear. Raising a little his head that he was used to holding low with an empty gaze, his eyes lit up at the sight of the moon reflected in the water, which had an ethereal charm, of a divine magnificence, which made that moon even more mysterious enclosed by water like a treasure chest encloses a treasure that is untouchable impossible to possess except in memories. Nevertheless, the woman reached out to that natural mirror as if enchanted and in a moment of instability fell into it, at the moment of her body's contact with the water she heard a strange noise like glass breaking, as if that was really the mirror of a place that was not that gloomy and depressing city in which she had spent her whole life ...

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