Chapter 10

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Jungkook's pov.

"Sorry about them, I know they're trying to get us alone." He said blushing.

Aww! so cute.

"It's fine." I said looking around and it's just the two of us left back.

We stood there in silence until he said "So I know this coffee shop across the road, would you like to come with me? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, It's completely fine. I can jus-" He said nervously so I cut him off with a laugh.

"Yes let's go." I said giving him a smile and he smiled back and grabbed my hands pulling me with him. Wait he's holding my hands, omg.

They're so soft and nice.

When we got there he opened the shop door for me and we went in taking a seat at the window. A waiter came asking us what we would like and we gave our order.

"So tell me about yourself, doll." He said looking at me.

"What do you want to know?" I asked him ignoring the endearment name he just called me because this man is out to kill me, I swear.

"How old are you, your birthday, favorite color, dream job, your likes and dislikes, talents, your family, everything there is to know about you." He said, I was so happy he wanted to know about me.

"Well my full name is Jeon Jungkook: I'm 18, my birthday is September 1st, my favorite color is black, I love shopping, my dream job is to be a Therapist or own a Model Agency, I can sing and I love to cook, I also love to read, I have one brother who you already know and my mom, my dad isn't around. I hate fish, I'm allergic to strawberries and yeah that's about it. How about you?" I said after I felt a bit more comfortable.

The waiter then came and gave us our coffee. "My full name is 'Kim Taehyung'. I'm 25, my birthday is 30th December , my favorite color was black but now I think it's ocean blue, I hate shopping, I also can cook, I love the gym, I have two beautiful sisters. I hate liars, I have three best friends, I live alone, I'm an Entrepreneur, I started with nothing and built my company up from scratch and it got me where I am today. I honestly don't know what else to tell you." He said laughing leaning back in his chair.

"That is okay for now." I said laughing with him.

He looked up at me smiling a bit showing his boxy grin and said, "You're really beautiful you know that right? Your boyfriend is a really lucky man."

And I choked on my coffee after hearing that. He said boyfriend as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Eh, thank you but I don't really have a boyfriend." I said blushing and he looked at me shocked. I then heard him murmured to himself 'thank god'.

I wonder why he said that.

"Are you serious? How do you not have a boyfriend? I mean that's not a bad thing of course don't get me wrong, but you're really beautiful." He said looking at me as if I am the most beautiful person he has ever seen.

He's making my heart beat faster by looking at me like that.

"I actually don't have one though." I said quietly.

I saw him biting his lip, loss in thought and blurted out, "You're hot." I immediately covered my mouth embarrassed for saying that.

He blushed real hard this time and I had to keep myself from fan-boying right then and there.

"Thank you and you don't have to be embarrassed whenever you're around me. Just say whatever is on your mind." He said smiling brightly.

I smiled nodding and took my phone out looking at the time.

Oh sh*t it's getting late.

"Taehyung, it was nice getting to know you and drinking that coffee but I have to get home. It's getting late and I'll have to take a Uber home." I said getting up.

"Wait Kook, can I have your number please?" He asked lightly and I took his phone typing my number in and gave him back. He hugged me before I left and he smelt amazing. I walked out wanting to jump up and down so bad.

While walking a bit further from the coffee shop, I heard a car pulled up behind me blowing and I walked a bit faster seeing as the car windows were tint. It was a 'Rolls-Royce' car.

The windows pulled down and I immediately saw who it was, I heard a 'Get in'.

I did just that. What? It's free ride.

I got into his Rolls-Royce car and man was it beautiful inside out. The interior inside was white and silver, the car ceiling also had stars. It's like you're staring into the sky at night looking at the stars. It is beautiful and the car smelled so refreshing, I could stay here forever.

He reversed while keeping his hands over my headrest and man was that the hottest thing I've ever seen.

"Your car is lovely Taehyung." I said truthfully after he drove off.

He looked at me then back at the road smiling and said "Yeah it really is, I love this car so much."

"You're acting as if this is the only car you got and we both know it's not." I said laughing and he joined in.

"It's definitely not but I love this car the most, this is my baby." He said resting his hand on the armrest box relaxing and damned me if I didn't squeeze my thighs together.

"What's your address doll?" He asked looking at me after we stopped at a red light and I immediately told him to which he said 'hm'.

He then took a different turn somewhere else and I said, "Taehyung your going the wrong way."

He looked at me then laughed and said, "I'm just getting you some food at Burger King's drive-through Kook, I would not be considered a gentleman if I took you home without getting you anything to eat."

Food. God bless this man, I would marry him right now.

"You don't have to really." I said even though I was dying of excitement inside because I really wanted it. I mean it's food, come on.

"No, I'm getting you food doll and that's final." He said as we reached the drive thru window.

"What do you want?" He asked me and I thought about it but I didn't have enough money so I told him just a medium fries.

"Hello good evening. Can I have a medium fries, 1 double cheese burger, 1 Rockstar burger, 10 nuggets, a honey-mustard sauce and a pink lemonade slushie. Thank you!" I looked at him wide eyed, no doubt they're my favorite but I don't have enough money for that unless I'll have to go into my savings.

"Okay, that will be $27.65"

"Thank you, have a wonderful evening." He said as I took out the money by checking it and giving it to him. He took it and smiled putting it back into my bag. What is he doing?

"Kook, what do you take me for?" He asked as he reached the pick up area and swiped a black card.

"What do you mean? and why did you put back the money." I said pouting at him.

He just shook his head smiling. "Doll, I'm not taking your money ever, as long as you're with me you don't need money, I'll be your personal money machine okay?" I almost laughed at the way he said it and his puppy eyes.

"But-" I got interrupted by the lady at the counter flashing a flirty smile at Taehyung, I saw her slip a piece of paper with her number on it to him with the food.

He took the food and drove off.


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