Chapter 42

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Jungkook's pov.

I laid in my bed after eating my dinner. It was now 11 p.m and I couldn't seem to fall asleep so I started skipping through channels looking for something to watch until I saw the news being displayed on the news channel.

"32 year old Peter Pinnock and 30 year old Richard Henry were found dead in a parking lot near Havana, two gunshot wounds each to their heads. The police team found them at approximately 9:48 p.m tonight after receiving a phone call from an unknown number about the murder. Pinnock and Henry were identified as the most wanted men known for r*ping small children. The FBI crew had been searching for them for years now with no possible lead. Cameras in the parking lot showed a figure dressed in full black and masked face as he saved two small children under the age of 12 years old from being r*ped, the person was shown shooting the men after getting the kids in safety. The entire police force has been investigating the murder of these two men. The final image in the video shows the figure looking straight into the camera then fleeing from the scene. A lot of people are wondering who this masked person is but still call him/her their hero for constantly saving these victims, even without knowing them."

I turned off the news as it ended.

These shootings has been going on for a while now, this masked figure would show up wherever there is an attempt r*pe or kidnapping, saving the children and killing whoever attempt on doing it.

I mean, I believe that masked person is a hero for trying to save people who are victims but I don't know about the killing part.

I wish I could meet this mysterious person though.

He's my hero even if he kills, but then again he only kills bad people.

As I laid here thinking, I heard my phone ping with an incoming text message. I looked at it and realized it's Taehyung.

Finally, I thought.

I haven't heard from him since night, I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail, I'm glad he's okay even though this isn't the first night he went missing. But I trust him so...

I smiled so big that my cheeks started hurting, he's so freaking enticing. I looked at the picture he sent me until my eyes started to finally drop and I let the darkness consume me with the thought of a certain hazel eye man in mind.

8:10 a.m | Tuesday

"So which colleges do you guys plan to apply to when we graduate?" Jimin asked us as we walked to our french class.

We all came to school early today and you wouldn't believe the surprise that reached us. As soon as we reached our lockers we saw Marcus walking in, we were all surprised because the principal gave him suspension so he shouldn't be in school.

What shocked us more was that he said the principal called his mom this morning and told her his punishment was off so he could come to school.

I thought maybe, just maybe the principal got some good s*x last night for him to changed his mind so drastically. Nevertheless we were so excited that he came.

"I'm applying to Harvard, Stanford and Yale. I need to stay close to my mom and of course Taehyung." I told them blushing red.

"Aw! So romantic." Marcus said teasingly.


"Me too Kook. I plan on applying wherever you're going." Jimin said smiling as we fist-bumped.

"What about you Marcus?" I asked as he remained quiet.

"I- I'm not sure if I'm going to college as yet." He said looking away from us.

"Yeah no, you're going to the same one with us. Let's have faith." I told him and Jimin nodded with me. We both know he is a straight A student, he has to go to college with all that smartness.

"Group hug." He shouted as we hugged tightly while laughing. Damn I love them so much.

"So you replaced me with this thing now? he doesn't even fit with us, I mean look at his shoes." We heard Eunbi's voice behind us and we turned around seeing her looking at Marcus with a pure disgusted face.

We were so shocked, well I was. When did she become this rude? If I knew she was like this I wouldn't even speak to her from the beginning. I hate people who judge so quickly.

"Eunbi, I don't care how long I've known you but I won't let you talk to him like that, have some respect. You're too beautiful to be acting like a bit*h. When you're ready to apologize, come and find us." I shouted at her then dragged Jimin and Marcus into the classroom.

I heard Jimin murmured 'bit*h' and I shook my head at him.

"Marcus I'm so sorry about her, please don't listen to her." Jimin told him as we took a seat.

"It's okay, I'm use to it now. When I was friends with Charlie, he bought me new shoes to wear to school but when I stopped talking to him he came to my house and took them back, he even burned them in front of my eyes." He said with a short, hollow laugh and we looked at him with sad expressions. "I had to turn back to my old shoes for now until I can buy one with my pay."

"What a jerk, he's even worst than I thought." Jimin frowned and we nodded agreeing.

That guy is truly heartless. Wow!

I forgot that Marcus has a part time job now. He started working as a waiter at a coffee shop to help his mom with the bills, he only works two days out of the week and on weekends. That's really nice of him, his dad died when he was 2 years old.

"I'm so sorry Marcus. I'm sure things will get better soon." I said to him and he nodded.

"Yeah it will, I hope." He told us in a whisper.

The teacher came in and started handing out papers. Pop quiz, what the fu*k? I didn't even study last night.

I truly think teachers find joy in doing these things to students.

"Alright class settle down. Today I'll be giving you a surprise pop quiz, I want to see who's learning and who's wasting my precious time." He said with an eye roll.

"You have 1 hour to finish the paper which consists of 30 questions. You have 15 that are written in French that you should answer in English and the other 15 in English that you should answer in French. Are we clear?" He asked walking around the room making sure everyone understands.

"Yes sir." We all answered him. This should be easy, I always aced french.

He then set the timer and told us to begin. Oh Lord, I'm sorry for those who hate French because this does not seem easy at all.

2 hours later.

It was lunch time and we made our way to the cafeteria line to buy our lunches but I got surprised when the lady gave me a note and held a tray full of different things that can be shared for me, Jimin and Marcus.

I read the note.


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