Chapter 22

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Jungkook's pov.




The butterflies in my stomach increase at that moment. And fu*k me because those jewelleries are beyond beautiful.

I'm in love with them.

Tonight was the best date I could possibly have. It surpasses any other date I ever dreamt about.

Taehyung started driving us to the next part of our date and I can't help but wonder what he has planned again.

The traffic was terrible though and he looked so cute worrying that we wouldn't make it in time.

I watched him driving and thought how could anybody cheat on him. He's so sweet. I heard that his last girlfriend cheated on him that's why they broke up two years ago.

However that rumor could be wrong so I'll just ask him what happened when our date is over.

I jumped out of my thoughts when I heard the car parked but before I could look where we were he immediately put the blindfold over my eyes and I huffed.

"I think you have something with Blindfolding Mr. Alpha." I said smirking even though I couldn't see him now.

"Wouldn't you like to know Mr. Omega " He said and I could tell that the bast*rd is smirking.

I heard the door over his side open and closed, then he came to my side opening my door, holding my hands helping me to get out and guiding me somewhere.

I heard people around us talking while we kept walking. After a while he told me not to move so stood there patiently waiting for him.

We stopped somewhere and heard Taehyung say something like 'here are the tickets'. Where could we be then?

About 3 minutes later or so I felt him sitting me down, I felt a thick fluffy blanket beneath me and something soft behind me that I felt comfortable leaning my back on. I felt really relaxed after he put a blanket on me and he then removed the blindfold.


What I saw before me made me speechless, tears immediately came to my eyes while I sat there shocked staring at everything in front of me.

He did this for me?

I saw ALL my favorite snacks and sweets in front of my eyes.

I couldn't control the tears anymore so I let it out especially when I looked up and saw that we were at a Cinema getting ready to watch one of my favorite movies 'Ironman'.

I wanted to watch all parts for a long time now but didn't have the time and I couldn't believe he actually remembered when I told him this and took me to see it.

He really is the definition of perfect. I'm never letting this man go now that I have him and I'll be damned If I ever let someone or something come between us.

Omfg! He deserves to get his di*k sucked I swear.


"Fu*k, angel what's wrong? If you don't like it here we can leave right now but don't cry please." He said sadly hugging me. I pulled away after a couple minutes.

"No no, I love it, it's s-so perfect Tae. These are just happy tears, I promise." I said throwing myself at him again.

"So you like it?" He asked with a dazzling smile.

"I love it, thank you." I said kissing his lips and he blushed red. Aw!

We both laid down with pillows under our heads and a blanket covering both of us. The movie will be starting at any minute now, I moved my head to his chest getting comfortable as he kept his hands on my waist pulling me even more to him and I smiled to myself.

This feeling is incredible.

The movie started and I started getting excited, man I love this movie so much. All the fighting scenes and graphics makes it even more interesting.

I mean who doesn't like marvel movies.

"Are you feeling comfortable baby?" He whispered to me and I nodded at him, he then kissed my head turning his attention back at the movie while I did the same.

In the middle of the movie I felt his hands move to my hair playing with it, I looked up at him but he was focused on the movie to even realize, it did feel relaxing though. I turned my attention back to the movie.

While we continue to watch we started eating ablot of sweets and snacks. I mean why let it waste?

We're going to need 6 months of no sweets when we're done tonight I swear and also a visit to the dentist ASAP.

We looked at each other then smiled like we were thinking the same thing and we immediately burst out into a fit of laughter.

We heard a bunch of 'shhhs' and 'shut up' but we just rolled our eyes at them and got back to watching the movie.

I jumped when I heard a loud shooting sound out of nowhere. Taehyung is trying his best not to laugh at me however by the way his chest is vibrating I know he's silently laughing.


After almost 2 hours it finally ended and I must say it was worth it. I love those types of movies to watch, they're just exciting. We got up after the credits rolled in and started packing up. After everything was packed we made our way to the car.

"So, how did you like your first date doll?" Taehyung asked me, opening the car door for me as I got in.

I waited until he was in the car before I answered truthfully, "It was the best date, I really enjoyed tonight TaeTae"

He looked over to me smiling as we drove off and said, "Tonight was the best night of my life as well, I enjoyed spending it with you but don't worry there will be tons more."

I blushed red after hearing that he'll take me on more dates, I can't freaking wait.

"So, I don't want to ruin the moment but I wanted to ask what happened in your last relationship?"

He immediately turned to look at me and then turned back to the road clenching his jaw. He took a while to answer but I waited patiently until he decided to answer my question.

"We started dating when I was 21, the first time I saw her was when I went to a fashion show. My first thought was 'she is beautiful'. It all started from there, we were friends for months then we decided to start dating. The tabloids had us as the #1 hottest couple, now that I think about it I can't help but cringe at the thought."


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