Chapter 44

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Jungkook's pov.

We made it home in time to see my mother just about to leave, she has a night shift and won't be back till tomorrow evening.

"Hey mom." I said hugging her and she hugged back.

"Mom are you leaving already?" Bogum asked with a frown and mom gave us a sad smile.

"Yes honey, my shift will soon start." She said taking up her bag.

"Okay you two, behave yourselves and lock the doors properly before going to bed. Do not open the door for nobody, you hear me?" She told us with a serious expression on her face.

"Yes mom." We both said at the same time. Every time she's leaving she tells us the same thing.

"Good, I love both of you and food is in the microwave. Heat it up." She hugged us as we replied back and then she left.

"So what's going on with you and Lilly?" I asked Bogum as we went to the kitchen.

He blushed. "Nothing is going on, I mean I like her but I don't think she feels the same."

"Why would you think that?" Even a blind man can see that both of them like each other, they're just so stubborn.

"Well after I left her house she started acting like nothing happened between us and it's frustrating." He said groaning as the food reheat.

"Maybe she's shy? or she just doesn't know how to act around you anymore after the peck?"

"Peck? it wasn't a freaking peck, it was a kiss. A mind-blowing kiss." Bogum said frowning at me and crossing his arms.

I clutched my stomach as I laughed real hard, he really thinks that was a mind-blowing kiss? pecking each other's lips? this is too funny I can't.

"Haha, you- nevermind. I won't burst your bubble this time." I was still laughing at this point.

"Leave me be." He shouted going upstairs but I could hear the laughter in his voice as he spoke.

After we freshened up, we took our dinner and started eating it after saying our grace.

I finally went to my room to finish my homework. While I was doing it my phone pinged and I went to check it.

It was a text message from Taehyung.

We continued texting for a while and he kept complimenting me constantly. I was a blushing mess, then he suddenly got busy, so we had to end the conversation.

After a little while I started feeling sleepy but then my mind instantly drifted to Marcus, I hope he's okay. I wanted to text him and make sure he's okay but I fell asleep before I could even find his contact.

I feel like a bad friend.

Marcus's pov.

I just finished my shift and now I'm in the rest room cleaning myself up. Honestly, I like this job because it's not crowded. I hate crowded places, I easily get social anxiety but I'll do anything to help my mom with the bills. She has been through enough, I can't let her suffer anymore.

After I was finished with everything, I went out of the coffee shop and into the pharmacy nearby to get some medications for my mom. She's been down lately and I pray that she doesn't get worse. I don't know what I would do if that happens.

After my dad's car accident, everything took a bad turn when he died. Dad's family cut us off immediately saying my mom was the one who made him crash because he was talking to her on the phone while driving. They threw us out of the house that they gave dad as a present. He did not take it out of their names so it was still theirs even after he died.

We were at my mom's friend's house for a while until we could afford our own little house. It took some time but we got there nonetheless.

My family is all types of fu*ked up.

I wrapped my jacket tightly around my body as I made my way out of the pharmacy and into the breezy streets. It's getting colder now because it's getting nearer to December. My best month even if I wasn't born in it. I just love the Christmas spirit.

I felt a shiver down my spine as I felt like someone was watching me, I looked around me but saw no one as I walked faster down the empty street. I lied when I told Jungkook that I was going to take a cab. I was too embarrassed.

The truth is that I can't waste more money taking a cab when I could just walk for half an hour. I always do it anyways, it's not the first.

This time I felt someone following me and my heart started racing. I walked faster but realized that I turned into a dark alley. Shit why did I do that, am so stupid I thought to myself.

As soon as I was completely in it, I saw two guys come out of hiding and the one that looked like he was following me. I started freaking out, I mean I can do a little fighting of course but I don't think I can fight 3 big guys at the same time. I am doomed.

"Hello kid." The guy that was following me gave me a big grin.

"Leave me alone man, I don't have any money." I said trying to act brave. Don't show them your fear.

They all started laughing. "Oh I know, this isn't anything personal kid, but your life depends on the one million dollars I'm supposed to get." He smirked.

Say what now?

How dare they sell me so cheap.


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