Chapter 32

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Taehyung's pov.

"We're having a movie day today doll, so we can find a movie to watch." I said pulling him close to me and giving him a kiss on his lips which is my favorite thing to do now.

"Yay! movie time." He gave me an excited smile then took a Lays munching on it while he skipped through movies to watch. "Oh I want you to watch this show, it's quite interesting."

"Let's watch it then." I said smiling big.

Damn, I'm whipped.

We started watching it and I see that it's called AU American. Honestly it's good but confusing.

"Doll?" I called out to him, my eyes still on the show.

"Yes?" He turned his attention to me and I couldn't resist kissing his plump lips again.

"So is the coach Spencer's father or what?" I was confused, I mean I'm not the only one who thought of that right?

He giggled and said, "Why do you think so?"

"I mean come on, Spencer's mother acts weird every time the coach comes around. I think they fu*ked and she got pregnant with his baby which would be Spencer and end up hiding it." I said with a confused look written all over my face.

Damn if I am wrong then this show is about to pull off an interesting twist.

"I'm not spoiling it for you, so watch it and find out." He said and grinned widely knowing that it caught my interest.

We continued to watch it but then I started thinking about it more carefully.

"Kook." I called him again and he looked at me so I continued, "I just realize that Olivia has a crush on Spencer, so if that coach is really Spencer's father then this is about to become some incest sh*t." I said chuckling and he started cracking up even more. Damn this show man.

"Just watch the show Tae." He said rolling his eyes at me. I started kissing all over hus face while saying each word.

"Did. You. Just. Rolled. Your. Eyes. At. Me. Doll."I emphasized each word with each kiss and he kept giggling.

"Leave me." He said hitting my chest, I chuckled and went back to watching the movie.

We kept watching the movie until it revealed that HE IS NOT SPENCER'S FATHER.


"Babyyy." I said in a drawn out tone. Fu*k this show, I need my doll's attention now.

"You're annoying today." He said and I hold my chest acting hurt.

"Ouch angel, why are you so mean now." I said acting sad and he turned to me kissing my pouty lips.

"I'm not, I just wanna watch the show." He said and turned back to the movie.

"But I want your attention now." I said acting like a kid. Damn what's wrong with me? I'm 25 for fu*k sake.

"Fine, what do you want to do?"

"Oh I know what to do, let's go to my children's hospital, I want you to meet someone very important to me, plus I have some toys to drop off there." I said excitedly, I really want them to meet.

"Who?" He asked with a grin as we got ready to leave. "You'll see soon Mon amour." I said as I dragged him out of the house and into my Mercedes-Benz and drove out of the garage.

We arrived quickly at the children's hospital that I also owned and I parked in the parking lot as we went out.

Jungkook looked so confused so I just smiled at him and took his hands in mine while we made our way in the hospital, we received a bunch of Hello's and Good Evenings.

"You can't go in there if you're not a family member." I heard a feminine voice behind us say and we turned around. I saw a new receptionist there who I've never seen before but that's because I don't hire people here, I leave that to the manager that's here, I trust him with that much.

"Excuse me?" I asked, does she not know that I'm her damn boss so I can do whatever I want? She started giving me flirty faces and I cringed.

"I can give you a free pass if you spend a night with me handsome." She said winking at me.

What? is this the type of people they hired at my fu*king hospital? Before I could answer, I heard the angry voice of my doll.

"How dare you flirt with my boyfriend? Is this what they pay you for, to flirt with every fu*king man that walks in here?" Jungkook said angrily and I had to grab his hands trying to calm him down.

But they continued like I wasn't even there.

"Angel, calm down please." I said but he didn't listen and they were now drawing crowds with their voices. Now I'm really not the type of boss to raise my voice or threaten my employees about firing them and what not, but this girl was testing my patience. I started hearing murmurs all throughout the hospital while these two continue.

"Omg, the boss is here."

"He looks so handsome today."

"That girl is surely going to get fired, such a bit*h."

"Who's that boy next to him? he's beautiful."

I couldn't take it anymore and shouted.


The entire place went quiet and everyone scattered. I saw the manager running towards me.

"Good evening Mr. Kim, what seems to be the problem?" He looked around confused.

"M-Mr. K-Kim as in our b-boss?" The
receptionist said, looking at me with wide eyes and I could see the fear in her eyes, I almost felt bad.


"Mr Malik, how long ago did you even hire this lady?" I asked the man I made manager because this girl is nowhere professional to be working here.

"Miss Pryce has been working here for a week now sir." He said with sweats dripping from his forehead, why the hell his he acting as if I'm gonna murder him?

"Is she always flirting with everyone that steps inside this hospital and is so damn disrespectful? you know what, do not answer that." I said lifting my finger to stop him from answering because I truly did not care. She has to go now.

I turned back to the lady and said, "You're fired, by the time I'm back from that room, I should not see you or your belongings on that desk. Am I clear Miss?" I asked with my boss tone.

"Y-yes sir, my apologies." She said hanging her head down in shame. "No no, the person you should apologize to is my omega right here. I don't care what anyone wants to say about me, but what I'm not gonna tolerate is any disrespect towards him." I said in an angry tone and she shivered in fear.

"I-I am sorry s-sir." She stuttered saying but my doll just rolled his eyes and didn't even look at her.

One day am gonna fu*k that attitude out of him for sure.

"I would've given you another chance because I do believe in second chances, but your first mistake was disrespecting him and that ended whatever chances you would've gotten." I said to her then held Jungkook's hand walking into the direction of the room I wanted to get to.

"I'm sorry Mon amour." I said, kissing his hands and he said, "It's okay papi, you stand up for me, that's hot." I groaned after he said that because that name always did something to me and I just know he did it on purpose.

He laughed as I pushed the door open. We entered and heard a little voice squeal, my lips automatically turned up into a big happy smile when I saw the person of that voice.


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