Chapter 55

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Taehyung's pov.

I was a nervous wreck. I held onto the flowers and champagne tightly as I lifted my shaking fingers ringing the doorbell.

My heartbeat sped up even more the longer they took to open the door. This house feels so welcoming, I-

The door swings open before I could think any further, a woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes like my angel stood in the doorway looking at me with wide eyes. They could even be mistaken for twins. Wait why is she looking at me so shocked and why did she look so familiar.

"B-Boss? what are you doing here? Is there something wrong at the hospital?" She rushed out saying. Wait, boss? hospital?

"Uh-" I didn't even know she works for me. Before I could say anything, Jungkook came to the door looking nervously as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Kook, this is my boss Mr. Kim. Come and meet him." The lady said pulling Jungkook to me.

"Boss? he's your boss?" Jungkook said with a shocked face. Wait, he knew about this didn't he? he's acting weird.

"Yes dear, Mr. Kim this is my son Jungkook." She told me proudly but I didn't know what to say so I stood there speechless.

"A-Actually mom, I know him." Jungkook told her, looking down at the floor. I'm so lost right now.

His mom stood there with a frown laced on her face as she looked at me then back to Jungkook. "Is he?"

"Yeah, m-mom meet my boyfriend Kim Taehyung, Tae this is my mom Jeon Somi." He introduced us shyly.

"Nice to meet you ma'am. I've heard so much about you and you have a lovely home." I said to her, putting my hands out to shake. She took my hands and shook it, still looking speechless.

"Um, nice to meet you again and you can call me Somi." She said looking as if she didn't believe I was here.

"Please likewise, call me Taehyung. These are for you." I told her politely and gave her the things I brought.

"Thank you and come on in, let's go eat." She said walking off to put the flowers in a vase. I stepped further into the house and captured Jungkook into a tight hug.

"Hi love, you're looking ravishing." I pecked his cheeks as he blushed at my compliment.

"Thank you." He told me quietly.

"Did you know all along?" I asked him, happy that he's now talking to me again.

"Whatever do you mean?" He said acting clueless with a big smile.

"Okay drop the act with me now, doll." I pinched his hips and he gasped.

"Fine, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." He said I kissed his sweet lips as I took a look around. It was a small house but it felt so homely.

"It's okay angel, I'm just surprised." I honestly told him as we reached the dining area and he pulled out a chair for me to sit.

I chuckled. "You do know I'm the one who should be doing that for you, right?" He grinned at me while sitting next to me.

"It goes both ways, you do for me and I do for you. It's a two way relationship." He blushed telling me. Well that's true but it just feels right when I'm the one doing it instead.

"Hey Taehyung hyung." I heard behind me and turned around to see Bogum walking towards the table.

"Kissing my sister now are we?" I said to him and he paused, giving me a nervous laugh. I'm sorry I just couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Whaaat? me? kiss? no, no I'm too young for that." He told me with a flushed face.

"Mhm, I wonder why Lilly would lie to me. Let me call her right now because I hate liars." I said taking out my phone as I watched the sweat drip off his forehead.

"Wait, fine I lied but it was only a small, tiny peck. Ask Kook." He said turning to Jungkook and he shrugged.

"I don't know anything."

Bogum groaned out as he took a seat far away from me. "Thanks for having my back, bro."

"Anytime bro." Jungkook said with a wink.

In all honesty, I was just teasing him. I know he has no ill-intentions towards Lilly. She was the one who told me, we tell each other everything. Except for my s*x life of course.

After all the food was set on the table, Somi finally sat down and we dug in. The atmosphere was tensed at first but we started talking and feeling more comfortable.

"Yes." Somi said as we laughed at the stories she was telling me about Jungkook. "When he was about 3 and Bogum was 1, I left them sleeping and went to the kitchen. Later on I heard Bogum crying, so I ran into the room immediately and saw Jungkook lifting him up by his neck trying to bring him to me." I laughed until my stomach started hurting.

"I guess he was awake so Kook wanted to bring him to me but that sight nearly gave me a heart failure." she finished off with a laugh.

"He even wanted to choke me to death at such a young age. I knew he was the devil's incarnation." I heard Bogum mumbled, stuffing his mouth with food. I chuckled because I was the only one who heard him.

"Mom, stop it. No more baby stories please and you I'm going to ask your dad for your embarrassing baby stories tomorrow." Jungkook huffed out looking at me with angry eyes.

"Oh no, that one is off limits angel. You can't listen to those please." I said in a panic tone.

"Mhm, just watch me." He smirked at me and I started sweating thinking about what dad is going to tell him or maybe show him.

Somi laughed at us and turned to me. "Taehyung, I want to thank you for what you did for my baby boy, he told me everything and because of you, we're finally getting justice. Thank you so much." She said as her eyes get teary.

"No need to thank me aunt, I would do
anything for Jungkook if it means he'll be safe." I told her and I meant it. He's my priority now and I'll be damned if I let anybody else get to him.

They'll have to go through me first and that's a fu*king promise.


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