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"You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle."
Shannon L.Alder

"Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell."
Walter Scott


Gloria's Pov

A few weeks back i was just a normal girl.

A normal girl with a normal life.

If i knew i would land myself in such a dire situation i would've never agreed to come here in the first place.

I would have fought my way to stay back home.

Only if Shelly was here, she could have helped me get out of the mess i've got myself into.

I miss her so much.

But then again she'd have been enthusiastic about me going out on a date.

Which makes me think if telling her about this whole thing is a good idea.

But she's the only best friend i have.

We're almost like sisters, we share each and everything.

I've decided once i get home i'm calling her and spilling all the beans.

Come what may, she'll be angry at first for my decisions but they are my decisions and i'm doing it so that i don't end up getting betrayed or hurt.

But how am i going to bring myself to tell her about my first kiss! I groaned at the thought. She very well knows that i'm a virgin and she'll be much pleased to know that i'm one step ahead to popping my cherry.

The kiss.

My first kiss.

His soft lips on mine, our body so close to each other.. his hands on my waist and his smell..

No. Snap out of it. 

I'm not even good at distancing myself from him.

And i have no idea how to deal with this mixed feelings inside my heart.

Every moment with him is a battle

I don't want to give in, and i can't ignore the tingling in my body either.

What is wrong with me!

The sound of a knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts.

I open the door to see mom standing there.

And i've never felt such relief ever

I instantly engulfed her in an embrace.

"I've missed you so much mom. "

"I've missed you too honey. I'm so sorry I've been busy lately."

She replied once we pulled back as her forehead creased in worry.

"Not at all mom. In fact, i had lots of fun."

I assure her with a soft smile. But by the looks i knew she was not buying it.

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