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The saddest thing about betrayal is that
it never comes from your Enemies. .



Travon's Pov

It's been six weeks, six long, painful and torturous weeks since i've seen her.

And i've missed her so much.

It's so depressing not hearing her voice, not seeing her beautiful face.

'' reschedule the meeting this evening, so that you can have enough break between the shoot and dinner meeting with Mr. Tanning.''

Bobby informed me, and i realized that i've been zoning out again.

''And keep me updated about the shoot's that are scheduled next week. You know that i'm not good with dates.''

I told him and he nods back

''Of course hon. Leave it to me.''

''Thanks Bobby.''

I thank him and hop inside my car.

I turn on the ignition and it purrs to life.

As i drive off the airport i try to rack my mind thinking about reasons as to why she would not receive my calls and reply messages.

I've missed her so much.

I just cant wait to hold her in my arms. I don't even know if she's in the resort or not.

Parking my Mercedes Benz in the resort's parking lot, i check myself in the rear view mirror before stepping out of the car.

Adjusting the bouquet of red roses in my arms,  i fish out my cellphone from my jacket and dial her number which goes off to voicemail.

Sighing, i leave her a voice message and walk inside the resort.

I go up to the front desk and check for her name to see if she's still staying in the resort.

''Sir Miss Gloria Anderson has already checked out.''

Of course she would

Luck has never been on my side

''When? Could you please check?''

''Sure.. a few weeks back.''

But why isn't she answering my calls and messages?

What have i done wrong?

''Okay thanks for the information.''

''You're welcome.''

I swerve out of the parking lot with a screech of my car tyres.

On reaching home, i dump my car keys on the kitchen counter and rake my hands through my hair.

My cellphone rings from my pocket and i immediately retrieve it hoping desperately that it would be her, but all my hopes died down as i saw Russell's name on my screen in bold letters and i receive it with a grunt.

''Be in my office in ten. I need to talk to you."

''Be right there."


"Come in"

He said from the other side and i walk in.

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