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Author's POV

Gloria was in a very big dilemma, she had been ever since the day her eyes have seen a pair of mesmerizing baby blue eyes.

And as hard as it was for her to admit it she knew deep down it was already too late to turn back.

She was falling. Very fast. Even if she didn't want to.

Her heart, and  body mind and soul was telling her otherwise.

Life was never this complicated for her. She thought.

If only she knew things would end up like this. She would have restrained herself. She would have stayed back at home.

She would have done anything to keep herself far away from him.

Her days and nights went by so slowly and painfully.

She found it very difficult not to think about him, not to miss him.

She tried not to. But she just couldn't.

His touch and his voice kept invading her mind.

Her cellphone rang in the corner of the room breaking the train of thoughts.

She hastily picked it up, and was slightly disappointed when she saw it was not a certain someone.. Someone she was secretly missing.. Deep down.. As much as she hated to admit it.

"Yes mom. "

"Hon, I'll be done with my work here by evening. Then we have a party at Mr Clifford's place. We will leave early in the morning tomorrow."

Finally she thought. Finally i'll go back home forget i ever met him. And begin a new life.

I'll destroy his thoughts from my mind.

I'll bury them deep in the farthest corner of my brain.

"Sure Mom. See you then bye. "

She said as she hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed, her mind wandering off again despite her attempt not to..


Grimani's Residence, Dining hall 20:00 pm

People chattering, laughter in the air, smokes from cigars, clink of wine glasses, celebration on full swing.

Somewhere far from the crowd, Gloria was leaning on the balcony relishing the comfort of her solitude.

She breathed in the fresh air, it smelled like orchids and wild flowers..

A glass of wine in her hand, still untouched, and her eyes gazed at the starry night sky.

"Sometimes she hides herself away just to see if she is worth looking for. "

A deep voice spoke from behind and Gloria didn't need to open her eyes to see who he was.

She'd heard that particular voice a couple of times.

She instantly recognized it.

"You really need to stop hiding if you don't want to get caught."

Edmund said as he came to lean beside her.

Her face was lit up by the moonlight and he could see her beautiful features perfectly from the close proximity.

He held back the urge to caress her cheek. They looked so fair and smooth. He wanted to touch it.

It had been a very long time since he'd felt this way about anyone. After Grace.

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