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Edmund's Pov

Dressed in grey Armani and italian leather shoes, i strolled in through the kitchen door as i see one of our maid busy preparing breakfast.

I greet her and grab a tray and fill it with freshly cut fruits, waffles and yoghurt.

I climb up the wooden stairs that would lead me to my dear sister's room.

I knock on her door and wait till i hear a muffled "come in" from the other side of the door.

I walk in to find Anne with her back to me as she sat in front of the dressing table as she combed her hair.

With a smile on my face i approach her as she twirled around and sends me a big smile.

"Just came in to say goodbye. I'm leaving on a business trip to New York tonight."

"Aha.. And dad also told me to give you some tips on how to impress some girl."

She said wiggling her eye brows at me.

"Well i'm waiting."

I say setting down the tray on the table.

"First and foremost don't try too hard. She hates when people give her orders or are being too pushy. Give her some personal space. She'll appreciate that."

She said taking a bite of the waffle.

"Mmmm.. these waffles are delicious."

"Okay no pushy, no orders. Got it."

"And try not to be too egoistic. It gets on her nerves."

"I am not egoistic. If that's what you're implementing."

I tell her as i stuff a hand in my pocket and stride to her side. My baby sister laughed at me.

"I am not implementing anything. I'm just giving you tips."

She said waving her waffle in the air.

"And thank you little sis for your kind help. I'll take my leave now."

I said as i walked out the door.

"Don't forget to buy her a book she loves reading."

I heard her say before i closed the door behind me.

I'll remember that.

It's time for you to work your magic cupid


Anne's pov

I'm not an expert when it comes to reading people but with my brother i can spot even the tiniest odd behaviour.

And not to mention the fact that he is very bad at acting

I know that he'd been living a very secluded life since he came back from Australia few years back.

We were all sick worried about him

He wouldn't talk to any woman

Let alone be in a room with one

After several attempts of trying to get him to date a woman i had to give up for the sake of those poor ladies who were only wasting their time.

To make things worse, he started living more outside the country and far from home.

And when he'd visit at times he would act like he was okay which Mom and Dad bought very easily but i caught the facade in his eyes.

He would laugh and talk about his work and friends but there was no shine in his eyes.

Even when i confronted him and he gave me a genuine smile.

That's when i knew he was not okay.

With his busy schedule and single life dad was worried he would die without a successor for his empire.

And not to forget he was hardly home.

I had promised myself that as long as i live, i will not let him die a bachelor.

Oh dad must be so proud, his son is finally taking over his business.

As for me i am so happy he is finally changing his status from single to dating.

And what could be better than knowing that my best friend is the woman my brother has his hots for.

Gloria is the perfect fit for him.

I'm so glad she didn't end up being with that lying bastard Travon Wolf Hart.

What a playboy

The moment i saw those pictures on the internet i wanted to grab his neck and punch him to the ground.

I wish he rots in hell along with his bitchy girlfriend Clara or whoever she is

Gloria was so right about him, he is a psycho

I'm glad Edmund has made a good decision, he would definitely keep her safe.

They will be so happy together

My brother will treat her like a queen that she is

Thank you cupid for bringing them together

Now you just have to make me Jake's bride as soon as possible

I would so love to have a joined wedding with my brother and my best friend.

Use your magic and make me look irresistible to him

So that i'm the only woman he thinks about when he wakes up every morning and before he goes to bed every night

Make all the other woman look boring to him

He should have eyes only for me

Make me his future wifey


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