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Having a Place to go is
Having Someone to Love is
Having Both is a
Blessing. .

Gloria's Pov

They say 'Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end.. '

Looking back, losing dad was the worst and best phase of my life. I was in my lowest of lows but it also taught me what it feels to rise up. I learnt to move on as i realized that the longer I held on to the past the harder it was for me to focus on the present and anticipate what the future holds. We don't control who we lose in our lives but we have the strength to grow from the pain and that's life. If you have not experienced pain you have not lived your life fully yet.

But fate had brought me close to Travon and what we went through made us even stronger as a person because we outgrew our distances and differences and the circumstances which tore us apart taught us that no matter how hard we try to fight destiny it always has its own way of teaching you where you belong and what you are meant to be. We were more than what we thought we were. Our love for each other broke down the walls of hatred and at the end we tied our knot with all our loved ones there to witness our union.

Few years back I would have never imagined myself as a mother, parenting not one not two but three adorable and spoiled kids, whom we love to bits.

But who knew i had it in me. Being a mother has brought out the best in me.

Mom on the other hand has my kids showering with expensive gifts every time. I'm tired of telling her not to spoil them but as persistent as she can be. She never listens. As funny and odd as it may sound. I would have never imagined my skeptical, precised mom to accept Travon as my husband and father to her grandchildren but she realized not too late that eventually I was going to settle down someday and no matter who it was if I was happy being with that person and he accepted me the way I am there is nothing more important than that.

Because she and dad had that kind of bond that was more than just two lovers. Although my security was her first priority. Things were not just as simple as planned. She could not see through me at that point.

We are over it and she looks forward to giving her grandkids the best future they can get. Though I still argue with her sometimes over the excessive love she likes to shower.

Life is full of surprises, we are contented and i couldn't ask for more.

Not to mention, my better half is the perfect combination of a loving husband and a wonderful dad, Ethan is so much like his dad, from his raven hair to his baby blue eyes not to mention his mischief's that get him in trouble every time. 

Ronald is the music enthusiast who is too busy locked up in the music room all the time.

April is the heart of the family, not only because she came the last but she is pretty, sweet and cheerful and has this magnetic, positive vibe that effects everyone around her. 

I love my family and i intend to keep the things that way.

Just two weeks back we had my mother in law at our apartment, she is a wonderful old woman. She could not get enough of her grand kids who would not leave her side. The sight left me all teary.

However, Travon has patched up things with Edmund and they're back to normal, as normal as they can be. 

The Grimani siblings are often here during weekends and we have a hell lot of trouble those days, as the saying goes, "Demons strengthen with numbers". It's true as it can be.

Anne also found love and i'm happy for her, she will be tying the knot with Jack this December. We are all trilled at the prospect.

My life is imperfectly perfect and i wouldn't want it to be any more perfect than it is.

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