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In morning, after a night of fitful sleep, Jungkook awoke to find himself in a cozy room filled with soft morning light.

Feeling disoriented, he noticed a gentle hand placed a cool, damp cloth on his forehead. As he adjusted to his surroundings, he realized that he had been tucked into bed with a wheat bag soothingly resting on his forehead. The room was quiet, and the only sound he could hear was the rhythmic ticking of a nearby clock.

Turning his head slightly, Jungkook spotted Jisoo, who was sleeping peacefully on a comfortable couch nearby, a soft blanket draped over her.

Jisoo, sensing that Jungkook was awake, slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him. And gently placed a hand on Jungkook's forehead to check his temperature. "Taehyung gave you medicine last night to bring down your fever. Let me check how you're doing."

"I had a fever last night?" he asked, his voice slightly hoarse. As he couldn't recall much from the evening, and the revelation left him feeling a bit disoriented.

Jisoo nodded sympathetically. "Yes, you were barely awake when Taehyung gave you medicine. You seemed pretty out of it, and I think the high fever might be why you can't remember much."

The door creaked open, and in walked Rose, Lisa, Jimin, and Taehyung, their concerned expressions instantly turning into warm smiles as they saw Jungkook in bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Rose asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

Jungkook managed a small smile. "I'm getting there, thanks. Just a bit under the weather."

Taehyung, with a concerned look, asked, "Hey, Kookie, how are you feeling now? Jimin and I, being the medical students in the family, are here to offer our expert opinions."

Jimin grinned and added, "That's right. We've got our stethoscopes ready, and we're prepared to diagnose you with a severe case of 'needing lots of rest.'"

Jungkook chuckled at their playful approach and replied, "Sure future doctors "

Jimin and Taehyung chuckled.

Taehyung observed, "You do look much better than yesterday. I guess the medicine is doing its job."

Lisa couldn't help but add a touch of humor to the conversation, "You know, Kookie, when I heard you were feeling sick, I got genuinely worried. I mean, you're the one who's younger than me, and I thought, 'Oh no, what if I catch it too?' I can't let the maknae get the upper hand in being sick!"

Her playful remark elicited a round of laughter from everyone in the room, including Jungkook, who appreciated the lighthearted moment. "Don't worry, Lisa. I'll try not to outdo you in the 'sick' department," he teased, his spirits lifting a bit with their cheerful banter.

Rose chimed in with a mock stern expression, "You really made us worried, Jungkook. We were all on high alert mode."

Jungkook scratched his head in bewilderment, "I didn't think I'd end up getting sick just from drinking Sprite. Is that even possible?"

The others exchanged glances, and Taehyung, spoke up, "Well, it might not be the Sprite itself, Kookie. It's more likely something you ate. Sounds like a classic case of food poisoning."

Jimin nodded in agreement, a determined look on his face, "Don't worry, Jungkook. I'll make sure you get through this. We'll have you back on your feet in no time."

Jungkook chuckled, appreciating their concern and the assurance from Jimin. "Food poisoning, huh? I guess I need to be more careful about what I eat. Thanks, guys, for being here and taking care of me."

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