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" Well done"

Jihan, curious, asked, "Sir, How did you know canceling the deal would bring them back?"

Minho leaned back confidently, explaining, "They were trying to intimidate us, but they underestimated us. Canceling reminded them who's in charge."

"You're sharp, sir. Just like your father."

A shadow passed over Minho's face at the mention of his father.

"Watch your words, Jihan," He warned, his tone firm.

" Sorry sir it was a slip."

"Ensure such slips don't recur."Jihan warned.

"I apologize, Boss. It won't happen again." He bowed.

"Very well. So now schedule a meeting with the company chief for next week."

"But, sir, I've already arranged a meeting for today." Jihan answered.

Minho's brows furrowed in mild annoyance. "Why the sudden change? You didn't even consult me."

Apologizing once more, Jihan offered an explanation. "I believed it was prudent to strike while the iron was hot, sir. I've prepared all the necessary files for your review."

After a brief pause, Minho relented. "Fine. You may go. But ensure this doesn't happen again."

With a respectful bow, Jihan took his leave. "Have a good day, sir," He bid before exiting the room.


As Jisoo switched off the TV. She suddenly felt a  anxious as if something was terribly wrong.

Suddenly, Yoosun grasped Jisoo's hand tightly, her voice trembling as she spoke, "Jisoo, I'm scared. I don't know why, I'm feeling anxious... Kooki... he's not home yet." Jisoo felt a jolt of shock, realizing she shared the same worry, but she composed herself, knowing she needed to reassure her mother.

Jisoo placed her other hand on Yoosun's, she said, "Calm down, Mom. He'll be home soon. Maybe there's just traffic and..." Before she could finish her sentence, a crash echoed from the upper floor.

They exchanged a worried glance and  sprinted towards Lisa's room, as they were both aware that the sound came from Lisa's room.

As they reached Lisa's room, they realized they were not alone, as Jennie, Rose, and  Hakyun were also present. Exchanging worried glances, Yoosun opened the door of Lisa's room.

And they found Lisa standing in the room, her gaze fixed on the floor where her glass Crystal Ball lay shattered into pieces.

"What happened, Lisa?" Jisoo asked softly, her voice filled with concern.

Lisa's voice trembled as she replied, "I... I suddenly missed Jungkook, so I was just holding the crystal ball gifted by him, but it slipped from my hand. I don't know how..." Her eyes filled with tears.

Yoosun approached Lisa carefully, avoiding the glass fragments, and said gently, "Hey sweetheart, it's fine. It was an accident, and we'll have the servants clean it up, okay?" Lisa nodded silently.

Jisoo then suggested, "Let's all head downstairs. I'll ask the servants to clean up Lisa's room." Everyone nodded and went to the dining area.

As they reached there, the doorbell rang, and Jennie hurried to answer it. To her surprise, she found two guards holding Taeho, who appeared to be in distress.

"Oh my God, what happened to him?" Jennie asked shocked.

Hearing Jennie's alarmed voice, the rest of the family rushed to the doorway, their expressions mirroring Jennie's concern. They gathered around Taeho, their worry evident as they assessed his condition.

Our Mischievous Little Brother ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now