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"Hey, guys, there's this party at Jaehyun's tonight. Enwoon, Mingyu, and Yugyeom are all going, and they want me to join them. Can I go?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

Jisoo exchanged a concerned glance with the others. "Jungkook, it's a late night party, and you were sick just two days ago. Are you sure it's a good idea to go out?"

Jennie chimed in, "And what about your health? You need to rest and fully recover, Kookie."

Rose, with a playful yet concerned tone, added, "Yeah, we can't have you falling sick again. Parties can be pretty hectic."

Lisa stated, "I'm with them. It's a late-night party, and you just got better. It's not the best idea."

Jungkook, sensing the resistance, pleaded, "Come on, guys, it's just one night. I promise I'll take it easy, and I won't stay out too late. Plus, it's Jaehyun's party! It'll be fun."

The sisters exchanged set of glances, silently communicating their decision.

Jisoo sighed, "Jungkook, we care about you, and we just want you to be healthy. Going to a late night party so soon after being sick is not a good idea. Maybe next time when you're fully recovered."

Jungkook, feeling restless, attempted to argue his case, "Come on, guys, I'm feeling much better. It's just one night, and I will be careful. Jaehyun's party won't be the same without me."

Jisoo, maintaining her concern, shook her head, "Jungkook, we get that you're feeling better, but you need to prioritize your health. Late-night parties can be exhausting, and we don't want you to relapse."

Jennie added, "And you were literally sick just a couple of days ago. Going out to a party right away might not be the best idea."

Frustrated, Jungkook persisted, "I promise I will take it easy. It's just one night, and I will be back before it gets too late."

However, the sisters remained resolute, and Jisoo concluded, "We're not saying 'no' forever. Just for tonight. Your health comes first, Kookie."

Defeated, Jungkook sighed, "Fine. But you guys are being overly cautious" With that he ran to his room as the door closed with a noticeable thud, echoing his frustration. Alone in his room, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, grappling with the mix of disappointment and annoyance.

"Why can't they just let me go?" he muttered to himself, pacing around the room.

As he left the room, the sisters exchanged glances.

She turned to her sisters with a puzzled expression, "Why aren't we telling him the real reason? He's not a kid."

Jisoo and Jennie exchanged a glance. Rose, always curious, chimed in, "Yeah, why not just be honest with him? He's old enough to understand."

Jisoo, however, shook her head, "Some things are better left unsaid for now. Just trust us on this, Lisa. It's not the right time."

Lisa, not entirely satisfied with the response, insisted, "But why keep things from him? He's part of this family too."

Jisoo sighed, realizing that Lisa and Rose were pressing for answers. "Look, girls, we didn't want you two to know everything either. The plan was going smoothly, and you didn't need the extra worry. This party incident just complicated things."

Jennie, trying to pacify the situation, added, "We know you're big now, and it might feel like we're not treating you fairly. But sometimes, it's better to shield you from certain details until the right moment. Trust us, it's for the best."

Jisoo, with a stern tone, said, "Now, go to your room. We'll handle this. You're not supposed to be involved in everything."

The younger sisters, still not entirely convinced, reluctantly left the room, leaving Jisoo and Jennie to grapple with the decision they had made.

Our Mischievous Little Brother ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now