Chapter Three One Of A Kind, And Previously Owned By Lee Jordan

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 I enter the common room and smile in surprise at the boy sitting on the couch, his head practically buried in a quidditch playbook.

"Lee? I didn't know you were staying here for Christmas."

His head shoots up, and he runs to hug me. "Dabria! I didn't know you were staying either. Thank Merlin you are, I thought I was going to be lonely and pathetic."

I hug him back. "Me too, Lee."


On Christmas day we sit down to the best feast of our lives. I rummaged around and found a book on the history of the best quidditch commentators for Lee as a gift. He has already started pestering Professor McGonagall about being a quidditch commentator next year.

"Lee?" I say after draining my pumpkin juice. The feast has mostly ended as most people have retreated to their common rooms for gift exchange or to rest.

"Yes?" He stretches his arms above his head slowly. "I'm so full."

I giggle. "Me too. But I have a gift for you."

He turns towards me, excited. "What is it?"

I take the book from under my coat. "I hope you like it, as I couldn't really go shopping anywhere."

He gawks at the book in his hands. "I have been looking for this book for so long! Thank you Dabria, oh thank you!" He throws his arms around me and I can barely breathe.

"You're welcome!" I squeak.

"Oh, I got you something too," he says, looking around.

"You did?" I say curiously.

He looks down and takes off his Gryffindor scarf. "A one of a kind Gryffindor scarf, previously owned by Lee Jordan!" He stifles a laugh and hands it to me.

"Well, thank you very much." I laugh at the convenience. It's extremely cold outside and I lost my scarf a few weeks ago.

We head up to the common room and discuss our hopes for our upcoming years at Hogwarts. Finally the common room just about clears out, and we lay on the couches, uneager to leave each other's company.

We watch the flames for a while and I smile at the fact that someone wants to be friends with me for me, and doesn't avoid me for something I can't control.

"Merry Christmas, Lee."

"Merry Christmas, Dabria."


"Guess who's back?" George sings as he enters the common room.

"GEORGIE!!" I barrel into his arms and almost knock him over. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Dabria. We told mum all about you and she wants to meet you on the platform."

"Oh my, does she not like me?" I worry.

George laughs and still doesn't let go. "No, actually, she said you sound delightful."

"Aww." I giggle happily and hide my face in Georgie's chest, as the twins tower over me with an embarrassing height difference.

Fred laughs. "Do I not exist?"

"Oh!" I peel away from George and attempt to knock over Fred. "I missed you."

He strokes my curls and squeezes me. "I missed you too, Dabria."


"This is Snape's potion cabinet." Fred turns into an even darker corridor and beckons me to come closer. Our hushed voices seem to bounce off the walls, and I remind myself it's past curfew.

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