Chapter Four 'We Can't All Be Angels Like Dabria'

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 Well, I got home, got yelled at, and got sent to my room. Haven't left in two weeks, my food has been brought to me, and frankly, I wouldn't care to leave anyway.

I wrote in my first letter to the twins, finally being able to send it.

I've written them probably around forty letters, but I tossed them out the window without sending them as they were too full of complaining. Yesterday Draco was finally able to help me open my window more than the sliver I had been using for tossing letters. I let Phillipa take my letter to the twins, along with two more letters, one to Lee and one to Angelina. Without the help of an adjacent bathroom, Dobby, our house elf, providing me food and water, and Draco occasionally providing me chocolate frogs, I don't know how I would have survived. I haven't left my room since my mum sent me here.


I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. There's only so many times you can unpack and pack your trunk again. I don't want to put my things away, in the mad hope that if I'm ready, the time to go back to Hogwarts will arrive sooner. I spent the rest of my time drawing, mostly pictures of Phillipa. I didn't realise it until Fred mentioned it last year, but I'm pretty good at drawing. It just makes sense to me.

A soft knock at my door startles me, and I sit up with haste. "Who is it?" I say, and despite the two week gap since our last conversation, I don't think I would really fancy talking to my mum.

"Draco," the voice replies. "May I come in, Bri?"

I sigh. My cousin's the only person I can talk to besides Dobby, and all Draco wants to talk about is Hogwarts, which makes me miss it more. "Sure."

The door hesitantly opens, and Draco quickly steps into my room and closes the door behind him. "Are you alright?" He asks in a concerned tone. "You haven't even tried leaving your room or asked to. We could go play quidditch in the backyard if you like." He suggests, clearly confused at my terrible mental state.

I can't help but nod at his efforts. "That sounds wonderful, but I don't really want to deal with mum right now. Or your dad, for that matter, he's probably equally disappointed in me."

Draco smirks. "I wouldn't worry too much about him. He's sick of your mum sulking."

"Sulking?" I inquire.

"I think she regrets yelling at you. Let's just go play quidditch, you don't have to talk to her."

"That's right, I don't." I take my cousin's hand and we quietly walk through the manor and into the backyard. We pull out a quaffle and two old brooms from the closet.

"I'm going to beat you, Dray." I smile for the first time in weeks.

"Not unless I beat you first."

We play for a while, even attempting some trick shots, before the sun begins to settle.

"Should we go back inside now?" He asks, returning the brooms and quaffle to the closet.

I look up at the darkening sky, stars beginning to squeeze their way out. I would love to stay and watch them emerge. "We don't have much of a choice, do we?"

"Unless you fancy sleeping outside."

"Not in particular." We head inside, and I see my mum turning the corner.

"Oh stars—" I begin, my body flushing cold.

"Darling?" She asks, and Draco has the brains to go to his room.

I don't move. Don't turn towards her, don't look at her, don't flip her off. I don't move.


"Would you look at me?"

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