Chapter Twenty-Four I💟 My Aunt

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 A/N: i fucked up uploading this is the correct chapter now thank u ml @mikayla-mikayla (this chapter dedicated to you now<33) also now the picture makes sense


"My favourite people!" I squeal and fling myself into my best friend's arms. The twins laugh and wrap me in the hug. They sent me an owl telling me to apperate to 93 Diagon Alley this morning since they had a surprise for me.

"Our favourite Ria." Fred smiles and adjusts the lapels of his suit.

"So handsome." I yank his lapel, messing it up, and he laughs.

"Decided since we're businessmen now, we should look the part." George tucks his hands into his pockets, a wide smile on his face.

"You look brilliant." I smile, and gesture towards the massive shop displaying a ginger with a tophat. The windows don't showcase anything except empty shelves and legions of boxes. "Which one of you handsome devils is that?"

"Me." They say in unison before glaring at each other.

"C'mon Freddie, it's clearly me." George turns around and gestures at the majestic display. "Seriously, look how handsome he is."

"You're just salty that it's me, Georgie." Fred clasps his brother on the shoulder and smiles widely. "Let's show Ria the inside." He takes my elbow and I link with George's free arm as they lead me inside.

The piles of boxes are insane, and I wonder how much merchandise they've already made, and how much more they'll have to produce as their business succeeds. "It's huge. You guys are going to have so many customers." I can't wipe the smile off my face as I gaze at the potential the shop has. "It's funny to think that we went from owl orders from the Burrow, praying your mum wouldn't find out to owning a whole store front."

I needed this, the moment with my best friends finally getting the success they deserve, something to make me smile without worrying about the rest of the mess.

"Mum won't ever have to worry about anything again with the money we'll be raking in." Fred smiles and leans against the staircase, and George agrees.

"However, you can't come back until you come to Diagon Alley to buy your last school supplies." Fred says, folding his arms and smirking.

"I'm sorry, what? I'm your best friend." I don't understand what he's going on about.

"You've helped us so much, and since you can't stay the whole summer, we decided to surprise you." George explains, as he always does.

"I see. You don't want my help anymore," I say playfully, throwing my hands up in surrender. "I see how it is."

"It's not like that!" Fred says, grabbing my arm.

"Yeah, you better still come visit us at the Burrow, Ginny kept asking if you were coming."

I smile, missing Ginny. "I'll write every single day."

"I don't know about every day, we are gonna be pretty busy." George teases, and I swat his arm. My stomach rumbles and I fold my arms.

"What does a girl have to do around here to get two nice businessmen to take her to dinner?" I act offended, and the twins laugh and link arms with me again, leading me outside to Diagon Alley to find something to eat.


"Dabria?" My aunt's voice travels through my closed door. I shove aside the letter I was writing to Hermione into a pile of drawings and stand. I miss writing letters to Harry over the summer, but it'd be so full of spite there's no point.

That WayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora