Chapter Twenty First Time Crying In Years

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"But friends don't look at friends that way."

"Sirius!" I squeal, running into my cousin's arms.

"Hi Ria." He hugs me in return before ruffling my hair. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, now that I'm here." I glance behind me at the table filled with the people I love most. The twin's laughing with Tonks, who spun me around when I hugged her. The trio reunited and discussing something, solemnly, of course. Mrs. Weasley placing a kiss on Mr. Weasley's cheek, who's successfully begun healing. "How have you been?" I ask him.

"Well, I hate having to be stuck here, but now that everyone's here, it's wonderful." Sirius smiles.

"Present time!" Mrs. Weasley calls out, and I leave Sirius' side to take a seat between Fred and Mrs. Weasley. I had already passed out my gifts that I bought in Hogsmeade and/ or drew at Hogwarts. She passes the wrapped gifts down the table, and switches between the twins. I laugh as George and Fred prop their chins up on their hands and pretend to be intrigued by their mothers joke.

"Oh!" Mrs. Weasley exclaims, and hands them the packages before reaching behind her back and handing me one too.

"Me?" My voice cracks embarrassingly high, and Fred laughs and nudges my shoulder.

"I told you you were family last week Ria." Fred raises his eyebrows and I laugh, unsure. I know Mrs. Weasley has felt more like a mother than my own, but that doesn't mean anything is reciprocated.

"Well, are you going to open it or just gawk?" George teases, and I happily rip the paper open, as the twins have already opened theirs.

I blink once, twice. Rub my eyes. Allow my mouth to hang open. My throat burns as I gently pull a lavender jumper from the paper, and for the first time in years, I allow the tears to roll down my cheeks. A big 'D' is stitched onto the front of it, and I suppress the urge to squeal as I continue blubbering.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley, Godric, oh, thank you so much." I wheeze, leaning against her arm and throwing my arms around her.

"Of course, dear. Are you alright?" She asks, rubbing my back and embracing me tightly.

"I am—" I squeak, still allowing my pent up gratefulness from the past years to release through my tears onto Mrs. Weasley's jumper. I know everyones probably staring, and I pull away, wiping my nose. "I'm terribly sorry—" I hastily reply, blushing and screwing up my face even more than my crying has. "I just— this means a lot." I choke out, inhaling sharply.

"Don't be sorry." Mrs. Weasley waves it away and stands up to get food. I turn back towards Fred, clutching the jumper tightly. He wraps his arms around me, allowing me to finish sobbing in the privacy of his chest. I don't know what's happening, as I haven't cried since my mom forced me into tears. Mrs. Weasley's gracious generosity just broke something.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Fred asks, and George chimes in asking the same. I can feel them exchanging worried looks over my head.

"I'm alright." I sniff again and laugh. "I promise." I unzip my jacket and shrug it off, yanking the jumper on instead. It's unbelievably soft.

"We've just— never seen you lose it like that. I was scared for a moment." Fred says, releasing me as Mrs. Weasley sets a heaping plate of food down in front of me.

"It's okay." I laugh again, picking up my coat and wiping my nose on its sleeve, not wanting to dirty my new jumper.

"I picked the colour because I thought it matched your eyes well, dear." Mrs. Weasley interjects, smiling. I thank her again, shoving food in my mouth to avoid crying again.

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