Chapter Twenty-Three Let The Chandelier Fall

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"And there's no way I'll end up being with you."

"Dabria! Lestrange!" A sharp shout from behind me in the hall causes me to whip around, my wand raised. I recognize the voice, and glance around at the paintings on the walls, the chandelier on the ceiling.

"What Peeves?" I ask, putting my wand down.

Peeves pops out from the wall and looks behind me, an evil grin spreading across his face. "Nevermind." He insists, and I roll my eyes as I turn around, almost bumping into McGonagall.

"Oh, I'm sorry, professor!" I blush, yanking my robe from catching on my shoe as I scuttle past.

"No problem," Mcgonagall smiles at me, and my chest warms at her smile. A loud squeak echoes through the hall, and I twist around to see Peeves sitting on the chandelier, grasping the knob holding it to the ceiling.

"Hurry along, Miss Lestrange." Mcgonagall instructs, and I nod, before catching a faint whisper.

"Other way." It's McGonagall's voice, but once I start to turn around, I turn on my heel and run in the other direction. The chandelier shatters against the floor, Peeves flips through the air cackling, and Professor McGonagall's robes flap across the corner. I head as far away as possible, not wanting to be there when Umbridge finds the mess.


"Dabria!" My name causes me to turn away from the portrait hole. I was about to head into the common room to hang out with Hermione, but Lee's holding a bag that's jumping around. I had just collected a letter from the twin's telling me about arguing with a man to buy a store in Diagon Alley. But besides, after so many years of hanging out with the twins, the prospect of whatever destruction Lee and I could unleash is much more exciting than anything else.

"What you have in there?" I ask, reaching to grab the bag, but Lee yanks it away.

"Come see." Lee grabs my wrist and drags me down the hallway, nearly causing me to trip once we reach the staircase.

"Care to tell me where we're going?" I ask, yanking my wrist away and linking my palm to his.

"To release my bag's contents in Umbitch's office." He replies sensibly, and I burst out laughing.

"Did you say Um—" I begin, using my free hand to cover my mouth from a laugh.

"I said what I said." Lee smirks and finally releases my hand as we come right by her office. "Come on out, little fella." Lee coos, reaching inside the bag.

"Oh!" I'm surprised to see a struggling niffler in his hands, and he nods his head towards the door, motioning me to open it. I laugh, thinking of how well the little guy will destroy her shiny, pink, cat-infested, ghastly, office. I just hope no harm comes to the niffler. "Where in the world did you even get one?" I ask, pulling out my wand. "Alohomora." I incant, the door unlocking with a soft click.

"Hagrid helped me get him. When I told him I'd keep the niffler safe and annoy Umbridge in one go, he was happy to help." Lee smiles and he gently releases the wiggly creature into her office.

 I quickly shut the door and cast Colloportus, and Lee grabs the bag and my hand again before we sprint away, glancing at each other, practically daring the other to laugh.


I skip down the stairs distractedly, thinking about this summer. Since I've been burning all of mum's letters, I don't know what she plans to do. Draco said that Auntie Narcissa wants me to come home, and he'd like that too, since I haven't stayed the whole summer since first year. I know it wouldn't be too terrible, I can use magic and apperate now, but I really don't want to face my mum.

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