Chapter Five I Have The Right To Be Scared If A Ghost Pops Out Of The Toilet

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 It turned out to be nothing more than a shortcut to Filch's office, but it was a nice adventure. The next day, we're resting in the common room together. Light chatter fills the common room, and I loosen my Gryffindor tie. I'm attempting to write a letter to my mum for the first time. I'm not really sure what to say, but I feel like I should try.

Suddenly George takes my hand. "We have something to do real quick."

"Am I coming?" I say, while being dragged away from the common room by the twins.

"Clearly." They laugh in unison. They lead me to the fifth floor and stop at a door.

"The prefects bathroom?" I press, turning around to see them.

"Well, when we were on the platform, our little sister Ginny was absolutely a mess when she realised she couldn't come with us." Fred begins, pulling out his wand.

"So we promised to bring her back a Hogwarts toilet seat." George finishes.

"Alohomora." Fred casts, pointing his wand at the door before I can even reply.

The door creaks open, and I cast Lumos as the three of us creak in. "So you're going to steal a toilet seat?" I giggle quietly, shining my wand towards the stalls. A mermaid imprisoned in the stained glass window above the massive bath glared at us suspiciously.

"Absolutely." They say in unison. I love how good siblings they can be.

I stand behind them holding my wand high to provide light as they kneel before the toilet to undo the seat. Fred works on the left hinge, and George works on the right.

"Aha! I almost got it—" Fred proclaims, but I interrupt him.

"Nox." I cast, dispelling Lumos. "I hear someone coming." The previous summer crafted me to be excellent at listening for footsteps or just the presence of someone approaching.

The twins grow silent, and Fred grabs me and pulls me towards him, as George motions for the three of us to jump on top of the toilet. The three of us barely manage to balance on top and Fred lightly kicks the stall door closed, but doesn't lock it to avoid suspicion.

"Ah, the perfect evening for a prefect bath." A smug Weasley voice echoes through the bathroom.

A small giggle followed by: "I am terribly clever." The sound of the faucets to the bath being turned on drown out any more monologue and a horrid tune can be heard reverberating through the room.

The twins and I look at each other, practically biting our tongues off to keep from laughing at their older brother Percy's dreadful singing. Tears desperately attempt to stream down our cheeks, and we pinch each other until the bathwater stops running to refrain from laughing.

Gratefully, we hear Percy leave and the door shutting behind him. The twins and I immediately burst out laughing, and for a moment I can't catch my breath.

Unfortunately, as soon as I cast Lumos again and the twins kneel to continue removing the toilet seat, a ghostly figure pops out from the bowl.

I leap backwards quickly, slamming my head into the stall door. George leaps up too, to check my head for injuries.

"Moaning Myrtle!" Fred whines, throwing his wand down. "What are you here to bother us about now?"

I'm on the verge of trembling. I have no issue with spirits, as I actually find the Gryffindor house ghost Nearly Headless Nick quite enjoyable. Even Peeves the poltergeist, who most find annoying or even reprehensible, is quite witty and likes when the twins and I cause havoc.

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