Chapter Twenty-One Not The Chosen One

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"It makes no sense, 'cause we're fighting over what we do."

"Dabria?" Harry's voice startles me, and the twins raise their eyebrows at me, despite the conversation we just had. They noticed I'd been being a little snappy towards Harry lately, and I explained that I still fancy him, but I know he doesn't like me. It doesn't seem worth it to even try, so I suppose I had been avoiding him. They promise to help me if I decide to do anything though.

Lee said if I ask him out he'll give me a galleon, and I told him exactly where he can shove that galleon, which had the four of us laughing for way too long.

I sent Sirius a letter outright telling him I think I might fancy Harry, and made him promise not to say anything, as I now know Harry sends him letters as well. He sent me a reply saying that if I married him he'd really be a part of the family. I didn't reply to him for a week after that.

"Yeah?" I reply, ignoring the twins' looks and setting down my exploding snaps cards. Angelina's sitting on Lee's lap and he's too preoccupied with staring at her to give me any notice.

"I was wondering if you could help me study for my potions O.W.L.? I had asked a while ago." He shrugs, like it doesn't really matter.

"Why doesn't your girlfriend help you?" I snap, and shut my mouth as I realise what I said. George gives me a look like 'really?!' and I check myself.

"Because you're smarter," He replies, shoving his hands in his pockets and beginning to look like I'm wasting his time. "Will you help or not?"

"Fine. When?" I ask, staring at my cards to avoid his gaze.

"Now? Snape keeps giving us the most useless assignments." He says, and I look at the twins, who give me an encouraging nod.

"Alright." I stand up and yank my Weasley jumper's sleeves over my hands.

Lee whistles as we leave the common room, and I resist the urge to run back and kick Angelina's boyfriend.

"You seem off lately," Harry begins, somewhat nervously.

I laugh without humour. "I'm fine. I'm not the one being plagued with dreams about attacking people." I realise that was rude, and inhale. "Sorry."

Harry shoves his hands in his pockets indifferently. "It's fine. I just— hate nighttime, having to crawl in bed knowing I won't get sufficient sleep."

I don't have anything to reply, so we walk the rest of the way to the library in silence.

When we enter the library, he sets out his textbook, parchment, quills and ink, while I take the seat across from him.

"What's the assignment?" I ask, opening the textbook as I review everything. It's been a year since I've studied this, and I need a moment to refresh so I don't make a fool of myself.

"Fourteen inch essay on why the syrup of Hellebore is vital to the Draught of Peace." He sighs and takes his glasses off to rub his eyes.

I raise my eyebrows, ignoring the fluttering in my stomach while he drags a hand through his messy hair. "Fourteen inches on such an obscure item? I don't remember that... he must really hate your class." I suppress a laugh, as I've been kicked out of the library for laughter one too many times. Madam Pince probably wishes me dead along with the twins.

"It's not that... I forgot to add the syrup when I was brewing the potion and Snape vanished my potion. He said I could either spend detention with him or write the essay. I already spend enough time with him with the Occlumency lessons."

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