Chapter Fifteen Honestly, I Hope I Get Burned Off The Tapestry Too

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 "Pack up your stuff Dabria. We're leaving tomorrow." Ginny tells me as I enter her room, where I've been sleeping for the past week.

"Where are we going?" I ask, shoving my clothes into my trunk, not bothering to fold them. It's been amazing to be with the twins again, but they use magic for bloody everything now, and it's annoying that I have to wait another year.

Harry generously gave his winnings from the Triwizard tournament to the twins, and we've been madly planning how to open the joke shop. I forget how smart the twins are, as a dimwit couldn't possibly be entrepreneurs like these two are.

I told my Aunt Narcissa that I was invited to the Burrow and finally convinced her to let me go. I hung out with Draco non stop before I left, as I miss his company. He makes me feel a bit safer, considering the circumstances. I'm terrified about what happened at the end of fifth year.

I believe Harry, I know he wouldn't lie about such a terrible thing as Voldemort returning, and it scares me so much. I've even heard mentions about Dark Mark's burning again, after so long of being faded.

I wonder if my mum knows, all the way in Azkaban, and I wish the Dark Lord was there too. I found out from letters Harry and I have been exchanging that he's going to be on trial at the ministry soon. I have a love-hate relationship with the ministry, as on one hand they took my mum, but on the other hand the way they've been treating Harry lately versus in fourth year is just strange.

I think Draco and I's genes are finally kicking in, because we both looked better this summer than we ever have. He was a bit sad I had to leave and he wanted to know why I always had to leave him. I just told him the truth, and that I want him to be happy too.

"I can't tell you." Ginny replies, and grimaces. "I'm sorry, I wish I could but dad has to be the one to tell you. It's a secret keeper thing."

"That's alright." I shrug and sit on my trunk to try to close it. "Help me, will you?" I laugh and Ginny jumps on the trunk as well.


"This place is brillant," I say in awe as the twins and I climb the staircase of Grimmauld Place, the dwelling of my first cousin the famed mass murder Sirius Black, and now the meeting place of the Order of the Phoenix. "Absolutely brilliant." I had finally gotten over my sickness spell when we used floo powder to get here, and the twins held me until I felt better.

"It is pretty wicked." Fred agrees, racing up the stairs, disappearing behind a corner and then reappearing with a pop behind me.

"Ah!" I shriek. "Can you two stop!"

"I didn't do anything!" George laughs as we enter the bedroom they'll be sharing. I'll be sleeping with Ginny and eventually Hermione when she arrives. Phillipa's been quite busy as I've been frequently exchanging letters with her, Angelina, and Lee.

"At least I get to take my apparition test this year." I smile at the thought of no longer having to use sickening Floo powder or taking the Knight Bus to get to the twins.

"I'm so happy I got trusted as a Secret Keeper." I sigh with a smile on my face as I plop backwards onto George's bed.

"Me too. The summer would be bland without you." Fred smiles and sits on his own bed.

"Dad had to fight quite hard to get you in. Some of the Order members weren't too sure of inviting the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange in." George adds.

I furrow my brow. I don't care about some Order members not wanting me, that's understandable. But besides, I'm not even an adult yet so I can't exactly listen in on meetings. I'm hung onto the first thing George said.

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