Chapter Twelve Four Sickles

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 "What do you think?" I step out of the dressing room, where Hermione, Angelina, Ginny, Alicia and Katie have already tried on and selected their dresses. Luna, Ginny's friend, is there as well. I don't know her very well yet, but she's very sweet. I feel a bit awkward in the Gryffindor hued dress. It hugs my waist and flares at my thighs, travelling down to my ankles.

I fold my bare arms self consciously from the lack of sleeves. Thin layers of red tulle encircle the top of my arms, and I stare at my feet.

"Dabria." Hermione gasps.

"Hermione." I mock, pulling my eyes from the floor.

"You look beautiful!" Ginny proclaims.

"Stunning." Angelina smiles.

"You better buy it now." Katie grins.

"Yes, you must." Luna agrees in a soft voice.

I head to the counter to purchase the dress. This Hogsmeade trip has been wonderful, trying on dresses with the girls. I've tried on a few but I could always rely on Ginny to be honest if it didn't look right. This time however, I think I picked the right one. I was grateful for the money my aunt sent me to purchase a dress, on the premise I had to give some to my cousin for his suit or dress robes or whatever it was.

I had helped him ask a sweet Beauxbatons girl, and I was so proud of him for being such a gentleman. I made sure to remind him if it weren't for me fixing his hair she wouldn't have found him so irresistible.

"My brother is going to swoon for you." Ginny smirks at me as I collect the paper bag with my neatly folded dress in it. I smile at her.

"Thanks Gin. I have no doubt." I laugh, feigning confidence.

"He absolutely will." Hermione assures me as the seven of us head to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeers.

"Says you! Ron is probably jealous that you got to go with—" Hermione claps her hand over my mouth, muffling my speech.

"Dabria! No one else knows yet!" I smile at the fact she only trusted me, but quickly shut up.

"I'm sorry." I apologise as we enter the warm pub, and everyone pesters her as to who she's going with.


"You ready?" Angelina asks me, knocking on the bathroom door.

"I— I think so." I used a charm to straighten my hair, and I haven't adjusted to it. I can still smell my usual rosewater perfume I sprayed, and hope it isn't overpowering.

"May I open the door?" She giggles, and I nod, as if she can see that.


She flings the door open, and catches my reflection in the mirror. Her reaction is golden, and I slowly turn around, admiring her perfect black dress.

"Oh my Godric, Dabria. Your hair!" She squeals. "You look absolutely stunning!"

I blush the colour of my dress. "Thank you. Angie, you look adorable. Lee might pass out on the spot." I tease, and she smiles and links arms with me as we head towards the door exiting the girls' dorms.

"You ready?" She asks, and I don't even have to force the smile onto my face, because it's already there.

"I am."

We slowly descend the stairs, smiles glowing on our faces brighter than any powder could.

"Dabria—" Fred's voice forces me to look at him, and my breath catches as I look him over. His dress robes display his body perfectly, and his hair is combed to almost look like silk. His reaction when he sees me however, causes me to grin even wider.

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