Chapter Eighteen Battle the Barbaric Toad

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"Mess with me on purpose

So I'll hang onto you."

 "That was terrible." I groan and bury my face into my hands, wedging myself between the twins on the couch. Umbridge had called me in for interrogation, and I defiantly avoided the tea, as rumours that she was spiking it with Veritaserum were going around. She kept asking about my mum, and my childhood, as if that had anything to do with the D.A.

"I'm sorry about that, Ria." George rubs my back, as I lean on Fred's shoulder, moving to rest my feet in Lee's lap, who's next to George. We all lay there for a while, discussing a mix of my success as quidditch team captain and how wonderful the joke shop will be. Eventually, everyone heads up to bed, and I'm left alone on the couch, staring at the ceiling, struggling to stay awake.


"Yeah?" I turn onto my side to see Hermione and Harry. I wonder where Ron is, but decide it's better he's not here, as he still doesn't seem to like me very much. There's very few Gryffindor's left in the common room. Hermione's the one who called my name, and I smile at her.

"Did you get interrogated by the barbaric toad?" She asks, a smile pulling at her lips.

I sigh. "I did. I avoided the tea, as I heard she was splashing Vertiserum in them. I just kept contradicting everything she said until she let me go. I'm pretty sure I irritated her into letting me leave." I giggle, and Hermione and Harry laugh as well.

"Brillant." Harry smiles. "Can you help me study for the potions O.W.L? I've heard you're really good." His smile doesn't leave, and as the corners of his mouth go up, it causes my stomach to turn.

"Okay Chosen One," I sigh, slapping my hand over my forehead and rolling back onto my back. "But you'll have—" I'm cut off by Hermione giggling intensely. I peel my eyes open and roll back onto my side.

"Harry, why are you so red?! Are you ill?" Hermione laughs, clapping her hand over her mouth. Harry's clearly blushing, at what I can't tell, but I hold down my own giggle.

"As I was saying, you'll have to wait for another day, I'm much too tired." I'm eager to work with him, but I couldn't possibly lift a finger right now.

"I'll leave you two alone." Hermione smirks and I hope it's not bright enough in the room to make my blush visible. I haven't told Hermione about my crush yet, but she probably infers as much.

"What did you do today Harry?" I breathe, blinking rapidly to stay awake.

"Not much. I've spent a lot of time just thinking lately." He admits, and I scrunch my legs towards me, huddling for warmth.

"That's understandable," I reply, and yawn, wrapping my arms around my legs. "I think I'm going to head to my dorm." I yawn again, then giggle softly. "Or maybe I'll just sleep here tonight. The couch's pretty comfortable."

Harry chuckles, and moves from the chair across from me to the sofa I'm sitting on. My heart speeds up excessively as Harry settles onto the couch where Fred was sitting. He presses his hands into the sofa, scooting back.

"Ow," I mutter, involuntarily moving my head up. Harry's fingers are tangled in my hair and I bring my sleeve up to block my burning face, which results in my fingertips brushing against his.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Harry laughs and slowly brings his hand out of my hair, only to bring it back again. I can feel him gently pulling my hair from underneath my neck and draping it across his lap. My hair tie keeps it from being spread fully across, but I'm blushing terribly nonetheless. As I feel his fingertips brush my scalp, butterflies wreck my stomach and it takes everything I have for a blissful smile to not break across my face. "You don't mind if I mess with it, do you?"

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