Chapter five

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I feel like I'm losing control. My whole body is shaking. Everyone's yelling and saying things that don't make any sense.

"You marked her!" Jack screams at Brax, moving closer to him, never once taking the gun off him.

"Oh god, my" mother cries.

"SHUT UP!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, my hands covering my ears, but it's doing nothing. Everything is still so loud the house starts shaking, breaking around us, and car alarms going off outside. I keep repeating shut up over and over again, just wanting it all to stop.

"Let me in unless you want her to draw every monster in the world right here or worse, blow us all up" " Brax yells through all the other sounds.

My dad steps closer to Brax, not sure what to do...

"Don't you dare, dad"

"What else am I meant to do? She'll kill us all."

I can feel Brax's frustration and worry pulsating throughout my body, only making me panic more because I know they are not my feelings, and I can't understand why I am feeling his. "LET ME IN!" he yells. "I'll call the witch myself to do the vanishing spell afterwards."

Dad looks over at Jack. "I'm sorry, son, but I have to" Turning back to Brax "invite you in."

Everything is becoming black. My body is screaming with pain. I have no control over anything. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop what I'm doing. I don't even understand what is happening.

Hands grip my face, sending bolts of electricity through my body into his. He groans in pain but holds it together, never letting go of my face. "Blair, please calm down."

"I can't", I cry. I want to stop what I'm doing; I want the pain I'm feeling to stop.

"Just forget everything else and listen to my voice," he said softly and sweetly.

I could feel myself slowly calm my body, relaxing the pain slowly fading and my sight returning to normal. My body became weak, making my legs give out from under me. It felt like all my energy had been drained out of me. But instead of me falling, Brax caught me, scooping me up, taking me over to the lounge and putting me down. As he pulled his hands away from me, I saw the burns that he had gotten from touching me.

"Your hands"

"They'll be fine" he stood up to leave.

I grabbed his arm. "Please don't leave me, not yet", I almost whispered, but he heard me.

He stopped in his tracks, staying close to me. I like being near him. It calms me, but it also scares me. At the same time, I can feel something in him, something that's evil.

I turned to my family. "I want answers."

"Maybe you should rest first, sweety," my mother said.

"And that thing should get out of our house and never come back", jack spat at Brax.

"Stop!" I looked around at everyone. "Unless you want me to lose it again, I suggest everyone just shuts up and tells me what I want to hear."

Everyone moved pretty fast then. All taking their seats except Mum. She went off to call someone to fix the mess I had made.

"Before anyone starts, I need to know, did he mark you?" Jack asked, never once taking his eyes off Brax.

" I don't even know what that means."

"No, I have not marked her", Brax answered for me.

Jack let out a sigh of relief. "Thank fuck, at least she can now reject you."

I put my head in my hands, trying to stop the pounding headache that was growing. My dad cleared his throat before starting. " no, sweety, we are not your bloody family, and I'm afraid we won't be able to answer many of your questions. All we know is you were dropped on our door 18 years ago with a note saying, please protect my baby. "

My heart started pounding. Brax's hand came up, resting on mine. His voice then came into my head. "Just listen and stay calm."

"So who am I, or should I say what am I? " I asked.

"All I can tell you is you are some sort of elite hybrid. They never told us what. I do know you are a witch and only guessing werewolf as well since this young man is saying your his mate," my dad answered.

I was in shock witches, and werewolves are only things of bedtime stories. They don't exist in real life. "I'm sorry, but I find this hard to believe. Why am I only finding out about this now?"

My mum, or should I say the lady I thought was my mum, walked into the room. " a spell was cast over you so that you could be protected and live a normal life because the gods, goddesses and elders think that you are some kind of prophecy. That if anything bad were to happen to you. It could cause very bad things to happen. "

All of this sounds insane to me. I couldn't wrap my head around it. "What about my name?"

"Your birth name that was written on the paper when you were dropped off is Luna Blair Wicken. We kept the Blair but took away the rest to try to help protect you," she sighed. "Nobody expected the spell to ever break. It was cast by some of the most powerful witches in the world. We never imagined you would be stronger than them."

I sat there trying to take all of this, but all of it just sounded so stupid it had to be a bad dream. My head was pounding worse than it had ever been before, not just from what I had done earlier but also from what they were telling me.

"What are youse then?" I looked around at my family.

"We are hunters, sweet", my mum answered

"I already know that, and until today, I thought I was one to"

My dad chuckled. "No, your mother isn't talking about our last name. She is telling you where we fit into all this. We are monster hunters, a long line of people who are put on this earth to protect humans from things like vampires and werewolves. We are the last of our kind."

"yer, because assholes like him killed us all off", jack spat, pointing his finger at Brax. I had never seen my brother look so angry. He was always a happy-go-lucky guy who never cared about anything, but I guess that was also a lie.

I slowly moved away from Brax. I'm not sure why I did it. I think it's because I could see the hate in my brother's eyes, which made me feel uneasy. I could tell that me moving away hurt Brax in a way, his body stiffening and hurt flashing through his eyes, but only for a second before he pulled his face back into the cold, harsh look he normally had.

The room was silent, no one knowing what to say next. I could have sworn I could feel all their emotions in me at once, everyone sharing the same worry. They didn't want me to lose it again, and sadness because they had failed. My mum broke the silence. "I'm sorry we can't tell you more, but maybe we can go to the elders or the gods and goddess, and they can give you the answers you need."

I shook my head, not to say no but more of a way to try and understand what was going on. "I want to go to bed" was all I could say. Everything was too much for me.

They all nodded. "we can talk more in the morning if you like", my mum added.

I went to stand, not thinking about the fact that I was weak, my legs giving out from under me; Brax caught me, wrapping his arm around my back and the other under my knees. "I'll take you to bed," the tension in the room became stronger. "and then I will leave, and youse can uninvite me from your house."

He carried me up the stairs and into my bedroom, laying me down on my bed and tucking me in before placing a soft kiss on my temple and whispering. "I'll never hurt you, my pretty little wolf princess."

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