Chapter nine

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Right after I stopped being in shock, I called Mum and Dad to thank them and ensure they hadn't made a mistake with where I was living. They sounded shocked but told me that there was no mistake at all. I can't help but feel like there's something there hiding from me. I don't spend too much time thinking about it, though, cause I'm too busy enjoying living in this amazing place. I also called Kelly ten times to ensure I was in the right place. She laughed every time and told me to stop worrying and enjoy it. I've explored the place, finding a pool and garden on the roof where I like to spend a lot of time. I don't have access to the other floors, so I haven't gone on them, but the strange thing is I haven't seen anyone else around like it's always just me, Nick and Kelly. Whenever I ask if other people live here, they both laugh and say of course they do then change the subject.

I still haven't been able to shake the feeling that I've forgotten something I can't think of what it could be that I've forgotten, so I try my hardest to ignore it. I've been here a week, and today is my first day at school. I'm excited to be around other people. I've been so lonely not having anyone around. I spend a lot of time down talking to Kelly and Nick, who don't seem to mind, but they would have to be getting sick of me. I've asked them if they can make sure Blue stays cause he can't come to school with me.

I'm walking to school now. I thought about driving, and Nick offered to drive me. Still, I decided to get some air since I've spent most of the past week inside reading books and playing dress-ups with all the clothes that are in my walk-in. It is a nice place. Raven Glen kind of reminds me of home, just bigger, and the woods that surround it are much thicker than at home. I'm drawn to them, but whenever I go to walk into them, something tells me to stay away, and I listen cause it's a very strong feeling.

The school isn't massive but big enough for me to get lost, making me late for my first class. I push up the big, heavy doors, walking in only to have everyone in the room stop and stare at me, making me freeze with embarrassment. I tried to speak, my mouth opening and shutting like a fish gasping for air.

"Is there a reason you have interrupted my class, miss?" the teacher at the front of the class asked, making me snap out of my daze.

"I - um", I clear my throat "hunter. I got lost. Sorry sir"

"Please take a seat, Miss Hunter."

I made my way to an empty set, sitting next to a girl with a short, pixy cut and a turned-up nose. She was interesting looking but in a cute way. I couldn't help but notice everyone was whispering to each other and staring at me, making me very uncomfortable. This is not how I wanted my first day of school to go. I just wanted to slide in and not draw attention to myself.

"Hi, I'm Pearl", the girl I was sitting next to said as she stuck out her hand for me to shake.

I took her hand, shaking it. "Hi, I'm Blair."

She looked me up and down, a smile growing on her face. "I like your energy, and you smell amazing."

"Thanks," I said, trying to take a smell of myself secretly. As I did, an image popped into my head like déjà vu of someone else in a man's voice commenting on my smell and me smelling myself. I shook my head to get the image away. But for the rest of the class, it was all I could think of.

After class, I said bye to Pearl and made my way outside. I had to go to the office. As I got out the door, I was greeted by Blue wagging his tail. "you can't be here," I laughed. I was so glad to see him. He comforts me. "well, you're here now, come on."

As I went to stand up, I bumped into someone, nearly knocking me over. A hand grabbed my arm, pulling me back to my feet.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there", a male voice said.

I looked up and saw a tall, dirty, blonde-haired guy standing before me. He was handsome, making me nervous. "I - um-" I shook my head to pull myself together. "no, sorry, it was my fault" " Blue started to growl at my feet, making both of us look down at him. "blue, stop it" muttered to him.

"cool dog", he let go of my arm, stepping back. As he did, the wind blew. He closed his eyes briefly, breathing in through his nose. "wow, you smell amazing."


"I um ", he laughed nervously ", what I mean to say is I'm seb."

I laughed. "you're the second person today to tell me I smell good. I'm Blair."

He rubbed the back of his neck like he was embarrassed and wanted out of this situation. so I took the lead.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you, Seb, but I better get going" I started walking down the stairs calling Blue to follow me.

"hey, Blair", Seb yelled out, making me stop and turn around. "there's a party tonight if you want to come", he was still rubbing the back of his neck. He looked like a nervous child standing there.

I smiled " yer maybe."

"cool, I'll see you there", he waved as I turned to walk away.

I walked along, trying to smell myself to work out what everyone was talking about. I didn't think that I smelled any different to normal. "do I smell blue?" he looked up at me like he understood what I was saying. I let out a giggle. I've got to stop talking to my dog in public, or people will start thinking that I'm crazy.

Luna WickenWhere stories live. Discover now