Chapter twelve

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I went inside, closing the door behind me. Turning my back to it, I slid down to the ground. I was on some kind of high; I had never had someone make me feel this way before. After a second of sitting there, the feeling that I had forgotten something returned; I hadn't noticed that it had gone away early, which I thought was strange.

Blue sat there staring at me.

"He was just amazing." I put my hands up to my face and let out a happy groan. "I have never in my life felt that way about someone or had them make me feel this way."

Blue stood up, turned and walked away like he was over my rambling.

"Okay, sorry, I get it you don't want to hear about" I got up, going into my room and changed into a black silk nightgown. I didn't want to have a shower because I never wanted to wash the feeling of his hands touching me off my skin.

Crawling into bed, I closed my eyes and dreamed about him all night. I needed to see him again; I'm unsure how to make that happen.

I woke up in the morning feeling better than ever before. I decided that I better shower; I didn't want to go to class smelling of last night's party. When I was done, I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey hoody, and my favourite pair of black Converse. As I opened the door to leave, I was greeted by Nick holding the biggest bunch of red roses. I have ever seen.

"it seems someone likes you" Nick held out the flowers for me to take.

I grabbed them, pulled the card tucked in the middle of them out, and opened it.

(I'll see you later, my pretty little princess)

Butterflies grew stronger in my stomach as I thought of him, a smile coming to my face. No one had ever brought me flowers before. I rushed to put them in some water before heading out the door. I couldn't be late again to class. Nick was still standing outside my door, waiting for me.

"I'll drive you today if you like Miss Hunter", he offered.

"thank you" I smiled at him.

I raved about the night I had last night all the way to school, telling Nick all about this amazing guy who made my heart beat a million miles an hour. He smiled and nodded, pretending like he cared. I was thankful for that since I don't have any friends that I can't share these kinds of things with, and I'm not game enough to talk to my mum and dad about boys.

I said goodbye to Nick, making my way into school. Seb was walking before me; I called his name to say hi, but he ignored me. I got worried. I hate the idea of someone not liking me, and I wanted to apologise for rejecting me last night. I picked up my pace to catch him. I called out his name a few more times each time, and he ignored me, picking up his pace as he did. The last time I called his name, he stopped turning around to look at me. "what?" he half shouted, catching me off guard and making me step back.

"I - um, just wanted to say sorry about last night, and I hope we can still be friends." It came out like a child that was in trouble.

He sighed. "look, Blair, I can't talk to you, and we can't be friends" The way he said it almost sounded like it hurt him a little.

He went to walk away. I reached out, grabbing his arm. He spun around to look at me, and for a second, I thought I saw his eyes change colour. Making me let go of him and take a step back.

"just leave me alone" he turned back around, walking away from me, leaving me standing there feeling like the worst person in the world. It was only my second day here at school, and I have already managed to piss someone off.

I made my way to class, feeling defeated. If I had known that this would have happened, then I probably would have just let him kiss me, but that would have just made things worse, probably.

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