Chapter sixteen

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We're going back to Braxs pack today; everyone agreed I couldn't stay where I was, and I couldn't go home.

I don't even know what a pack is; I've been acting like I do so everyone doesn't think I'm foolish, but I have no clue I know what a pack of wolves is. Am I going to get to this pack and find a bunch of people acting like wild animals?

I said my goodbyes to everyone. It was harder this time than it was before; this time, it was just different. I don't know when I'll see them again or even if I will. They're not welcome in the pack, being hunters. I don't even think I'm welcome in the pack. I don't know how any of this works, and I'm still finding it hard to believe that this is all real.

I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared of what will come, and I don't know if I'll be strong enough to get through it. I can feel the power I have inside of me. It wants to destroy me and everything around me.

I feel different towards Brax now; I still have feelings for him, but they are not the same as before. He told me it was because I broke our bond, so I could no longer feel him or hear him in my head. I can see that he's hurt by it. I like it. I'll never tell him that, but I like that he can't hear my thoughts or feel what I'm feeling. He keeps telling me that he doesn't care that we are no longer mates. He still has feelings for me. I don't think the feelings will last.

Saying my goodbye, we make our way to his pack. Neither of us talks as we drive. I know he wants to say something, but he holds himself together, which I'm thankful for. I don't have the energy to talk right now. I feel like I could sleep for a million years and still wake up tired. Blue is coming with me. Even though Having pets is frowned upon in the wolf world, they hate the idea of breaking down an animal, so they obey you. I don't think that's what I've done to Blue. He chose me, after all.

The drive didn't take long; before I knew it, we were pulling up in front of a huge mansion that had a cabin vibe to it. Stopping out the front, I felt Braxs eyes on me, watching and waiting to see my reaction to the place. I kept my face blank, not wanting to give off any of my emotions or thoughts. The place was beautiful, like something out of a fairy tale. Vines growing up the walls like nature had started to take back what belonged to it; a staircase that looked like it was carved out of the rocks that rested on the ground winded its way up to the front door. It's just on dark, making the place look even more magical with the lights that lined the staircase.

Taking a deep breath, I try to ready myself for whatever is about to come. Brax's hand moves to touch mine, but I pull away. I can tell this action hurt him and that he can't work out why I'm being so cold towards him now; I'm not sure why I am either. I just feel like I need to build my walls up so nothing can hurt me.

"This is home for as long as you want it to be" he stares at me, waiting for me to show some emotion, but is soon disappointed when nothing comes to my face.

"thank you," I said blankly.

Getting out of the car, the cold night air hits me, sending chills through my body; the feeling of being uneasy slams into me. There's something about this place that tells me I shouldn't be here. With nowhere else to go, though, I was just going to have to make do.

"the only rule is you can't leave the house" he looks over at me, seeing the confusion written all my face. He stops making me stop with him before turning to me. "you are not a prisoner, but the only way I can keep you safe for now is if you stay in the house."

I give him a weak nod, hating the idea of being stuck here. I know he's telling me I'm not a prisoner, but I sure feel like one.

We start walking up the stairs again, heading to the front door that he opens for me to go inside. I take a breath, stepping through the door; inside, I'm met with a huge open entrance with two staircases leading to either side of the house; the house looks like it was built from a tree under the stairs, leading to what I'm guessing is a living room. I stand there, taking it all in. If I'm going to be a prisoner anywhere, this is probably the most beautiful place to be one.

"It's great to see you again, miss hunters", I hear Nick's voice say to me. I turn to look at him and smile at him.

I've worked out that Brax had set everything up for me back in the apartment that I was living in. I guess it was all part of the plan between him and my family in an attempt to keep me safe.

"I have sent all the other maids home. The only other people here are Nick and Eve, who you will meet soon, and she will be at your beck and call guards, but they hardly enter the house and maybe a few elders that come and go."

"what about Kelly?" I'd grown to like her and was hoping I would be seeing her again soon so I could apologise to her for what had happened the other day.

"she doesn't feel like she is ready to come back to work yet," Brax said, trying to make it seem like I was not the problem.

"if you see her, can you tell her I'm sorry and I would love to talk to her when she's ready"

Brax nodded. "would you like me to show you around?" he sounded as nervous as I feel right now.

I shake my head. "No, thank you. I'm exhausted and would like to go to my room."

He looks a little disappointed at my answer but nods. "I'll show you to your room."

I clear my throat. "Can Nick take me?"

My words burnt into him as he realised I didn't want to be around him. "of course," he offered me a weak smile.

I follow Nick up one of the staircases, walking along behind him, not really looking around at where I'm going, just staring down at the ground, watching my feet as I walk. We come to a stop out the front of two large doors. "this will be your room, Miss Hunters, no one else stays in this wing of the house alaph thought you would feel safer being alone"

"Can you please call me Blair"

He smiles, nodding his head. "of course, Miss Blair."

It wasn't really what I meant, but I took it. I looked around, realising that I probably should have paid attention to where we were going because now I had no clue how to find my way back to where we had come from. "where is Brax's room?"

"straight down the hall to the left, then up the top of the staircase." he pointed like it was an easy room to find.

I push open the doors, heading inside to find a room much like the one I had been staying in before. The only real difference is that this one is much larger. I turn to Nick, who is standing just outside the door. "Thank you," I offer him a warm smile

He nods his head. "if you need anything at all, don't be afraid to ask" he turns on his heels, heading back the way he came. I close the doors behind me, making sure I lock them before going to the bed and crawling in, letting sleep take over my whole body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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