Chapter ten

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The rest of the day was pretty boring. I went to my classes blue, waiting outside each one. When the day was over, I rushed home to tell Kelly and Nick that I'd been invited to a party. I'm sure they didn't care, but they were nice and acted like they did. Nick offered to drive me so I could have a few drinks if I wanted, which I accepted. I also told them how people kept telling me I smelt amazing. They just said I should take it as a compliment.

I went upstairs to get ready, going through the walk-in to find something to wear. I pulled out a light blue short sun dress with thin straps, put that on and taking a look in the mirror. I loved it but thought that maybe it was showing too much boob, but before I left home, I made a promise to myself that I would step out of my comfort zone a little, which meant I was wearing this dress. I paired it with tan sandals, then went off to do my hair and makeup. I let my hair out, leaving it in its normal wavy state and decided to wear just a little bit of mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my things heading downstairs to meet Nick so he could take me to the party. As I stepped out of the elevator, they both stood there staring at me.

Kelly was the one who broke the silence. "you look beautiful, Miss Hunter."

A smile grew on my face. "thankyou you, don't think it's too much" I moved my hands in front of my boobs, making Nick go red and turn away.

Kelly and I laughed. "no, not at all", kelly managed to get out of her laughter.

After that, Nick couldn't look at me without going red. He drove me to the party, stopping outside and asking if I would like him to come in. I told him no, I was okay, and I would call him if I needed him or when I was ready to be picked up. I thought it would be weird if I walked in with him. Everyone would think that I had brought my dad to a party. It was already bad enough that I had Blue with me, but no matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't stay home.

Walking into the party, I was nervous. I've never been to one. My parents never let me go to them in high school. There were people everywhere dancing, drinking, and kissing and some, I think, were doing more than kissing. I stood there taking it all in, apart of wished I'd just stayed home.

"I'm glad you came", a hand grabbed my arm.

I turned around to see Seb standing there, smiling down at me. "Yeah, I had nothing better to do" I tried to play it cool, but to be honest, I don't know how to be cool.

Blue growled, making us both look down at him.

"wow, you really do take that dog everywhere", he added with a laugh at the end. "Let go get a drink" Grabbing my hand, he pulled me through the sea of people to get a drink.

After he poured me one, we stood in silence, very uncomfortable silence, to say the least. I was thankful when Seb broke it. "you look amazing."

I thanked him, trying not to show that my cheeks were burning red. For the next few hours, I drank and spoke to Seb. I even ran into Pearl, which was nice. I like her. She's always so happy and bubbly. I was starting to feel the alcohol I'd only ever drunk once before, and that was on my 18th birthday. I sat my drink down on the table, which Seb noticed.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think I just need water" I tried not to sound like a lightweight even though I am.

Seb stood up, grabbed my hands and pulling me up on my feet and into him. My heart started pounding in my chest. I was so nervous. I've never kissed anyone before, and I think that's what is about to happen here. He leant down, hoovering his lips right above mine before tilting my head so he had better access. Right as his lips were about to touch mine, I got this pain in my chest like something was telling me not to kiss him. I pulled away from him. "I'm sorry, I can't" I went to walk away, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him.

"if I want to kiss you, then I will kiss you" The way he said it made me freeze with fear.

"she said no," a deep voice said from behind me. Seb let me go, taking a step back from his face, which was filled with fear.

"I'm sorry, alpha" Seb bowed his head and backed away.

I turned around to see the most beautiful human I have ever seen in my life standing behind me, his dark green eyes staring down at me. My heart started pounding in my test, and something was drawing me to him . he held out his hand, "Hi, I'm Braxton Lykos."

It took me a second to respond. I was lost in his eyes, and I felt like I knew him from somewhere, but there was no way in hell that I would forget a face like that."um, hi, Blair Hunter" I took his hand, shaking it. "sorry I just feel like I know you from somewhere."

He smirked at me. "I assure you that if I had met you before, I would have never let you go" he lifted my hand, kissing it.

His lips on my hand sent shivers through my body. I didn't want him to stop touching me. It was like some sort of energy being passed between us that felt amazing. He let go of my hand, leaving me a little disappointed.

"let's go get you some water" he placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me through the people. This time, though there was no pushing through them, they all moved out of the way as we walked through like Brax was royalty or something.

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