Chapter seven

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We sat in the garden going over everything that I wanted to know about the potion that I was going to take that would make me forget about the past few weeks and all the magic and monsters that I'd learned about. Brax has gone over it a million times with me because I didn't want to miss anything. he's set my family away after about the fourth time of explaining it so they could get everything ready that needed to be done in order for this to work the best that it could.

"one more time", I begged

He sighed in frustration. "you're going to go upstairs. Get into bed, then you will drink the vile," he spoke slowly like he was talking to a child. He was trying to keep his voice as calm and normal as possible, but I could tell he was getting frustrated with repeating himself. "after a few minutes, you will get tired and start to fall asleep. You'll sleep for a few hours. Are you following me?" he asked because I was no longer looking at him; I was staring at the vile that was in my hands.

I nodded, forcing myself to look back at him.

"Then, when you wake up, you won't remember any of the bad things from the past few weeks. There will be empty spots, but you'll think that's normal. Your powers and your inner wolf will go into hibernation. They won't be gone. They will just be in a deep sleep that they can never be woken from. You will then start your new life somewhere else that you will think has always been the plan. Do you understand?"

I stayed silent, staring at him. I could tell by the way he was looking at me he was hoping this would be the last time that he had to go throw it with me. "so I won't remember you at all."

He put his head down, trying to hide the hurt he was feeling, but I could feel it too, and I knew it was breaking his heart. I couldn't understand why he hardly knew me. "yes, it will be like you never meet me."

"And what about you? Will you forget me?" I tried to look at his face, but he hid it from me.

"I could never forget you, Blair" The way he said it sucked all the air out of me. I could feel every bit of pain that he was feeling, and I never wanted to feel that again. I knew right then and there that I had to do this, and I couldn't care how much it hurt him. I had to be selfish and only think of myself to make the pain I was feeling go away.

"I'm ready", I paused for a second, "I think. maybe we could go throw it one last time?" I smiled sheepishly at him. There was just something in me that didn't want this to be over just yet; I needed to be with him a little longer.

He let out an angry growl. "this would be easier to explain to a brick wall. Okay, you ar---"

I cut him off. "instead of telling me that again, can you tell me why you keep calling me your mate and saying you can't leave me alone?"

He looked up at me like I was about to make him do the most painful thing in the world. "I don't know how to explain it to you. It's not normally something us wolves have to explain because it's not every day that you come across a werewolf that doesn't know they are one."

"Can you at least tell me what it feels like?"

He smiled as he thought about it. "when I'm close to you, it feels like I'm complete like my soul is happy and at peace," he paused for a second, his face becoming hard as he thought about his feelings "when I'm away from you it's like I'm lost there is a huge part of me missing and my heart is slowly breaking." he reached out taking my hands in his I wanted to pull away. Still, I knew if I did, it would hurt him, and I hated the idea of hurting him. "I can feel everything that you feel. You are a part of me. You are in my head every second. When I touch you, my body screams for you."

The way he was talking was making the inside of my thighs dripping wet.

"You are like a drug that I'm addicted to, and I just can't get enough of you, but I know that you being around me isn't good for you. I'm a monster, Blair."

I couldn't make myself believe that he was a monster. Sure, I got this feeling from him that he had done some horrible things in his life and that there was something dark and dangerous inside of him, but somehow, I just knew that he would never hurt me.

"Why would you let me do this then? If you know that it is going to cause you pain."

He let go of my hands, cupping my cheeks and making me look him in the eye. I wanted to kiss him as I stared at him, and I could tell he felt the same way. His lips were inches away from mine, his hot breath burning against me, making goose bumps litter my whole body. I tingled all over for him, the wetness in the thighs only becoming worse.

"I would live a million lives in crippling pain so you could be safe and happy."

As soon as the last word left his mouth, he pulled me in, kissing me softly for a second. It caught me off guard. I soon relaxed into him, kissing him back. His mouth started to move more aggressively against mine, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. His hands left my face, running down to my hips, my body screaming as they made their way there. He pulled me on his lap so my legs were straddling either side of him. In between, my thighs were pulsating as it craved him to be inside me. Tangling one of my hands in his hair, the other wrapped around his neck, my nails digging into his skin.

I had never imagined my first kiss to be like this. I'd never thought his someone could feel this amazing. I never wanted him to stop, but right as I started begging in my head for us to stay this way forever, he pulled away from me, leaning his forehead on me. "we have to stop, or I'll never let you go."

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and whispered. "I'll love you till my heart stops beating, my pretty little werewolf princess."

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