Chapter fifteen

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The last thing I remember was telling everyone to leave, and everything went black. I don't think I want to know what happened. But I feel different like some kind of evil is inside me now.

Brax carried me to bed, laying me down. He went to leave, but I begged him to stay. He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel like the evil inside of me can't get me while he's holding me.

I feel different towards him, though, like I'm no longer drawn to him, and when I asked him why, he just said our bond was broken, but that didn't matter to him because he would never stop loving me.

I went to sleep with him holding me close to him. I was afraid to fall asleep, but my body was so tired I didn't have a choice. When I woke up, he was gone, so I dragged myself out of bed and went to find him. Walking out of my room, my family and Brax talked in the living room. Brax was the first one to notice me standing to come to me.

"You shouldn't be out of bed", he started to try to lead me back into my room.

I stopped him. "I'm fine"

He raised his eyebrows at me like I could tell I was lying but didn't fight the point with me; instead, he took me over to the lounge, sat me down next to him and tangled his fingers in mine. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

I broke the silence. "I think I'm ready to learn about who I am."

My mum smiled at me sweetly, trying to hide the hurt in her eyes. "I think that you need to really think about this more, Blair" I could tell by the way she spoke she was scared of how I would react once I started to learn about myself and where I came from, or maybe she was hurting at the thought that I would stop loving her and seeing her as my mum.

I used all the energy I had to smile at her. "Youse will always be my family, and I will always love you guys, but I'm scared of what might happen if I don't find things out."

Tears fell from my mum and dad's eyes. "I think you should come home where we can learn about it together and we can keep you safe".

I wanted to go home so badly to have some normal in my life, but I knew that while I found myself, I couldn't be around them in case I hurt them. "I don't think that's a good idea until I can work out how to control myself. I can't be near you. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt any of you."

"You can't go with him". Jack pointed at Brax. "Youse are no longer mates, and he's the reason that all this happened anyway. He can't be trusted. "

I felt Brax become tense. I tightened my grip on his hand to try to calm him.

"I think he's the best person for her to be around" My dad nodded at Brax. "If you don't remember, he's saved her twice from blowing us all up."

"We can't stay here. I'll take her back to my pack, where she'll be safe." Brax looked over at Jack. "I promise"

Jack leant back on his chair, folding his arms over his chest and rolling his eyes. "I'm still never going to expect you. You'll always be a monster to me."

I couldn't help but giggle at Jack. Even in hard times, he still acted like a spoilt, hormonal teenage boy. We sat there going over and over the plan for me again and again. I didn't listen to it; I probably should have, but my mind was busy still trying to piece all the pieces of the puzzle back together. Brax held my hand the whole time, looking over at me every now and again with a worried look. Every time, I'd nod my head and smile at him, telling him I was okay.

After about an hour, I stood up, letting go of his head. "I'm really sorry, but I need to go to bed. My head hurts." I didn't wait for anyone to answer; I walked off into my room and headed to the bathroom.

I got to the mirror, using the sink to brace myself. I stared at my reflection. My eyes were different now. They were still blue, but they had lines of black through them that flicked. It was as though the good and evil in me were battling each other, trying to get rid of one another. I was at war inside myself, which scared me more than anything ever could. I didn't want the evil to win, but I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to keep it locked away.

The bathroom door came up behind me. I lifted my head a little to see Brax's reflection in front of me with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" he almost whispered.

I wanted to lie to him and tell him I was okay. I didn't have the energy to; instead, I dropped my head, hanging it low. I felt his hand grab me, turning me around and pulling me into his chest. I didn't hug him back; I didn't have the energy to. I just buried my head into him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine take away all my problems. He kissed my head softly, holding me like he was scared to ever let go.

"I need to shower", my voice wash muffled in his chest.

"Ten more seconds, then I'll let you" he kissed my hair, burying his head deeper into the top of my head.

"Please don't leave me," I said, feeling his body tense up. Before pulling me away from him.

Grabbing the bottom of my top, he slowly slid it over my head. I raised my arms so he could. He kissed me softly before kneeling down to start removing my tights, kissing my stomach and hip bone as he did, sending chills throughout my body. Standing back up, he placed a Kiss on my head before turning around and going to turn the shower on. He stripped down to his boxers. As he did that, I removed my underwear and bra, standing there naked for the first time in my life in front of another person. Not one part of me was nervous; Brax calmed my nerves whenever I was around him.

He turned around, our eyes meeting before he trailed down my body. I could tell he was holding his excitement in his eyes, flashing red for a second as his animal instincts threatened to come out.

I stood there, taking him in. I knew he was muscular, but seeing him standing there with nothing but his boxers made me carve him more than I already did. He grabbed my hand, led me to the shower, and stepped in with me. I wanted him. The wetness in my thighs screamed for him.

He held me close to him, my skin tingling as his bare skin touched mine. Grabbing my chin, he tilted my head up, pressing his lips into mine, pushing my mouth open with his tongue, using it to massage the inside of my mouth.

"I want you", I whispered, my lips still pressed against his.

He kissed me harder before pulling his head away and holding me close. "One day," he whispered before kissing my head.

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