Chapter eight

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Today is the day that I'm finally moving out and starting my life.

I got into a college that, if I'm honest, I don't even remember applying to after high school. I didn't plan on going to college because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, but I guess somewhere along the line, I sent an application in, and I got in. My brain has been all over the place lately, so it doesn't surprise me that I forgot about it.

I'm going to study English lit. I want to be a writer. The college is three hours from home, so I'm a little scared. I've never been that far away from home before, and I've never gone anywhere without my mum and dad. I'm so excited for some freedom, though, and to work out who I am. Mum and Dad got me an apartment only a short walk from the school. I was happy to stay in the dorm room, but they thought it was best that I had my own space and stayed away from all the bad influences of dorm life. Plus, I get to take Blue with me, which I wouldn't have been able to do if I had stayed in a dorm, and neither of us would have coped with that.

They also brought me a new car, which I find weird. Where are they getting all this money from? They've always told me that we didn't have a lot of money, and that's why I worked at the diner for so long to try and save up to get my own car. That's another thing that's a bit fuzzy to me: losing my job at the diner. Mum said that it happened a few weeks ago, and Dave was very mean about so it was best that I just stayed clear of there. I guess I'll have to take her word for it, and I don't want to go back there. Dave always made me so uncomfortable.

My car is packed, and I'm just doing what kids normally do when they leave for college: say their goodbyes as their mum and dad cry and tell them to be careful. I'm scared, but I'm definitely not sad about it. I'm so excited to get the hell out of this little town and see what the world has to offer me. I have two weeks of peace before they are going to come up and see me. They were going to do the drive with me and help me settle in, but Dad couldn't get the time off work. They've told me that the apartment is all set up for me and that I don't have to worry about anything. They'll help me with money until I can get a job there. Which again is strange. I really want to know where the money is coming from.

"be safe and call us when you get there", my mum says through tears.

"I'll be fine, Mum, and I promise I'll call every night."

She pulls me in for one last hug before letting me go and trying to stop herself from crying. I turn to my dad, who is fighting back his tears, trying to be a real man and not cry. he hands me an envelope. "Here is some money to help you out at the start, and I'll put more in your bank soon."

I smile at him, taking the envelope. "thanks, Dad," I pull him into a hug.

"we will miss you."

"I'm only three hours away. It's not like I'm moving to another country" I try to make light of it all.

"three hours too far", my mum starts crying again.

"one last thing", my dad pulls a jewellery box out of his pocket. "we got you this."

I take it off him, opening it up to reveal a locket with a blue gem in it that is the same colour as my eyes. A single tear escapes my eyes as I look down at it, and I quickly wipe it away. "Thank you, it's beautiful" Taking it out of the box. I put it around my neck, holding the heart-shaped locket in my head when I was done. It gave me this funny feeling when I did. It was like I was forgetting something really important. I stared at it for a second before I shook my head to get the feeling out. "I better get going so I can get there and get settled before dark." hugging them one last time, I turn to my brother. "see you later, shithead."

"yer love you too, sis" he yells back.

Driving away, I take one last look at them in the rear vision mirror. They are standing there waving and blowing kisses, making my eyes tear up; knowing that I won't be able to see them every day hurts me. The feeling of forgetting something flashes back into my head, and I do my best to ignore it. Looking over to Blue, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to me. "well, blue, here we go".

Luna WickenWhere stories live. Discover now