Chapter six

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I slept like a baby that night. My body was worn out, and so was my mind. Everything they had told me didn't make sense, and it feels like it never will. I can't make myself believe in monsters. Let alone think that I am one. I'm just a boring, normal girl. Nothing exciting has ever happened to me in life. I wasn't popular in high school; I was barely noticed; I've never had some great love or heartbreak; I've just lived a boring, dull life.

In the morning, I laid in bed blue by my side. Like normal, I was thankful for him because he was the only thing in my life that had stayed the same. I patted his head, whispering. "thank god you are just a normal dog that can't hide anything from me."

I made my way downstairs, not wanting to face anyone just yet but also wanting to make sure that I hadn't dreamt everything last night. As I got halfway down the stairs, I looked around the house, expecting to be faced with the mess I had made last night, but instead, the house was perfect. There were no broken windows, nothing out of place. It was its perfect normal self. I let out a loud sigh of relief. It had all been a stupid dream. I entered the kitchen, everyone sitting in their regular spots.

They all stared at me, waiting for me to talk. I smiled big "I had the weirdest dream last night", I laughed.

The room became uncomfortable and quiet, all of them staring at me like I had just told them my deepest, darkest secret.

"What?" I shrugged.

"Sweety, that wasn't a dream", my mum answered.

I looked around the room. They all shared the same face, staring at me with worried eyes, waiting for me to explode again. I felt it growing inside me, but instead of letting it out and losing control, I swallowed deep and held it together. "but the house is perfect."

"It's amazing what magic can do", my dad tried to make light of the whole thing. Everyone else let out a small chuckle, hoping I would do the same. I just stood there partly in shock.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk" I didn't wait for an answer; I turned on my heels and exited the house. I couldn't be in that house a second longer; I couldn't be around the people who lied to me my whole life.

I thought about going into the woods, but something inside me told me I shouldn't and for once, I listened and walked the streets instead. Until I came to the park where I used to play when I was a child, I sat on the swing, slowly rocking backwards and forwards. Blue sat in front of me, staring at me like he was waiting for me to crumble at any minute. I had a lot to think about. I learned too much too fast last night, and I'm not sure if I want to know anymore. I don't want to live in a world full of monsters; I want things to go back to normal and live a normal life.

I felt someone approaching me. I smelt them before I heard or saw them. I didn't need to look up to see who it was. His smell comforted me in a way that I'm not sure I liked.

"It's not safe for you to be out alone", his deep voice said calmly.

Looking up, I was greeted by his green eyes staring down at me with so much worry in them. "I'm not a child; I can look after myself."

"I think you should go home."

"Don't tell me what to do", I spat at him as I stood up going towards him. He didn't flinch. He stood tall in front of me, staring down at me, a smirk coming to his face.

"full of fire this morning, I see" he joked.

I let out a growl; he made me feel so many things I didn't want to feel. I hate that I'm drawn to him. "please just leave me alone."

I went to push past him. He grabbed my arm, stopping me and pulling me into him so our bodies were pressed against each other. I stared into his green eyes, my heart beating hard in my chest, butterflies growing in my stomach. I had to swallow them back down.

"I would if I could", he half whispered, moving his hand to the small of my back and pushing me closer to him.

My body screamed at me, craving his touch. His smirk grew wider like he could feel what I was feeling for him, snapping me out of my trans; I pulled away from him. "you think this is some sort of stupid game?" I growled. "I don't want any of this. I want my life to go back to the way it was, and I want nothing to do with you" My words stabbed into him like burning knives. For a split second, I could see the pain in his eyes and feel it in my heart. He pulled himself together, making me second guess if it had hurt him at all.

"if that's what you want, then that's what we'll do" his words were as cold as his face. He grabbed my arm, forcing me to follow. I thought about fighting back and making him stop, but I could tell he would not notice me, and he was too strong for me to even bother trying. He led me all the way home, stopping at the door and pushing me inside. "Don't invite me in. Go and get your family. I'll meet you out the back," and with that, he was gone.

I went into the kitchen, where they were all still sitting. "I need you to come out the back with me" I didn't wait for them to answer me; I walked off towards the backyard, where I found Brax waiting for me.

A minute later, my family joined jacks eyes filled with anger as soon as he sore Brax standing there. "what the fuck are you doing here? I thought we made it clear to you last night that you stay the hell away from her" Jack went at him, ready to fight.

Brax never moved. He stared down at Jack like he was nothing more than an ant he could crush at any minute. I felt uneasy seeing the way he stared at my brother. My dad put his arm up, stopping Jack from going further. "that's enough, son. We're all here for the same reason, and that is for Blair."

"he doesn't care about her. He just wants to use her. Monsters like him can't care about anything but themselves."

Before anyone could do anything, Brax grabbed Jack by the throat, pinning him to a tree. "I could end your life faster than it started if I wanted to. Blair is my mate, and I will do whatever it is to make her happy and safe, so believe me when I say the only reason you are still breathing is because of her."

Jack was struggling, trying to get out of this grip. He didn't have a chance in hell. Brax was much stronger and bigger than him. "I will kill you if you don't let me go and leave my sister alone."

"Trust me, you wouldn't be able to, and I'd leave her alone if I could" Brax threw Jack on the ground like a piece of discarded trash. Jack started to scramble to his feet like he was ready for round two, which he would surely lose.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled, making everyone freeze. "stop fighting; I'm sick of it. Have any of youse stopped to think about how I'm feeling with all this? I mean, it is my life that has just been turned upside down, and I don't want any of it."

They all looked down at the ground, guilt taking over them. Brax reached into his pocket, pulling out a small vile of something. "this can make it all go away," he handed it to me, and I took it, studying the vile as I did.

"what is it?" I asked. I looked around at everyone. They all had eyes on the vile, all with the same questioning look.

"It's a potion. I got a witch to make up last night after I left. It will block all your powers and make you forget everything that you have been through over the past few weeks" There was hurt in his voice as he spoke because he knew if I chose to drink this, then I would forget about him too and he would have to live on with my memory of me not wanting him.

"How can we be sure it's not poison," Jack angrily said.

"She's my mate. I would never hurt her."

"if I take this, then I forget everything?" I rolled it around in my fingers and half whispered. "even you?" I looked up, locking eyes with him, his eyes filled with sadness. He didn't try and hide it this time. He wanted to show me how much it would hurt him but that he just wanted me to do what I wanted and for me to be happy.


I stood there thinking about it for a second; he was the only thing that stopped me from wanting to take it. A single tear escaped my eye. I wiped it away as fast as it fell.

Taking a deep breath, "I wanted to forget".

Luna WickenWhere stories live. Discover now