Chapter eleven

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I can't shake the feeling that I know him from somewhere. But no matter how hard I think, I can't work it out. And there is no way that I would have forgotten a face like his. he led me into the kitchen, going to the fridge, got a bottle of water out for me and undone it before handing it to me. "drink that, then ill make you a better drink."

I swallowed deeply, trying to hide how attracted I was to him. I could feel my cheeks burning pink the more I stared at him. Taking the water from him, I took a big sip in hopes it would settle me. "thanks", I said when I was done. I have never been this nervous around someone before.

He had already made the drink that he promised me; handing that over to me before taking a drink, I asked. "so, do you go to school here?"

He turned around, leaning against the bench behind him—shaking his head.

Taking a sip of the drink, I had to stop myself from spitting it back out. It was straight tequila with the tiniest bit of lime in it. I struggled but managed to get it down, coughing as soon as it left my mouth.

He laughed loudly.

"It's really, um, good", I said in between coughs.

He moved closer to me, standing to look down on me. "You're lying" One side of his lips turned up into a smirk.

My hands started sweating, my heart pounding out of my chest, my body vibrating as it craved him. I could feel the redness growing by the second; I had to step back before I embarrassed myself anymore.

"do I make you nervous?" his hand came up, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. And just like that, I felt myself melting into him. I had to think fast here and act cool.

Picking up my drink taking another sip, forgetting that it burnt on the way down, making me cough all over again. I stepped away from him. "yep, even better on the second sip", he brought his hand up, wiping just below my lip my bottom lip. The feel of his thumb just grazing my bottom lip made me groan with pleasure. He brought his thumb up to his own mouth.

"you taste better than any drink ever could."

I started choking on air, not knowing what to do. I have never been more uncomfortable but turned on all in one. "um, so do you live around here?" I backed away from him, putting the bench back in between us.

He laughed, stepping back to lean again on the other bench behind him. "not really, no."

"Oh, so why are you here?" my hand came up, covering my mouth. I couldn't believe I said that. I'm going with it: the drink talking, not me.

He laughed. "would you believe me if I told you I was here for you?"

I stood there looking at him for a second. I thought he was serious, but then he smiled, letting me know he was joking. I took another sip. This time, it did not burn as much, which I was thankful for. "I'm sorry for all the questions. I feel like I know you from somewhere, and I'm trying to work out where."

He locked eyes with me; I could get lost in his eyes. There is something about him that draws me to him. It's almost like a magic feeling.

"come on, I'll take you home"

Before I could say anything, he locked his hand into mine, leading me outside and over to his car, opening the door and gesturing for me to get in. The thought popped into my head: I've only just met this guy. I really shouldn't be just getting in his car. He could be some crazy killer. I'm pretty sure this is something they told us not to do back in first grade. I stepped back, taking my phone out of my pocket. "it's okay. I'll call my doorman to drive me home."

"get in the car, Blair," he said sternly.

Before I could say anything, it was like my body just took over, leading me to the car and shutting the door before coming around and getting in his side. I kept my eyes on my hands that were in my lap, but I could feel his eyes on me—placing his hand on my leg, making me look up at him. "I'm not going to hurt you; I never could".

I believed him. I don't know why I shouldn't think of a stranger as much as I did. I just got this feeling when he is around, I will never have to fear anything.

The drive home was done in silence, and I'm glad it was because I don't know how much longer I could have controlled myself. Pulling up, he rushed around to open my door, putting his hand out to help me out of the car. "Haven't told you how beautiful you look in that dress," he spun me around.

I giggled while thanking him.

"You look even better without it on."

I snapped my eyes to him. "excuse me?"

He looked just as shocked as I was. "I didn't say anything else?"

"I could of--" I shook my head. "Never mind" is most of the alcohol making me think I heard things.

He took my hand, leading me inside. Kelly and Nick were both still up, both giving me the same look should you be bringing a strange man home. I'd come to see them as kind of like a second mum and dad to me, so I hated the idea of them thinking bad things about me. "he's just making sure I get to my door that all" I don't know why I said that to them they probably didn't really care at all what I was doing with him. They both bowed their heads, which I have never had them do to me before.

Getting to my door, he took the keys out of my hand, unlocking it for me. I could feel him as he leaned over me to do it, his body pressed against mine. I can't feel myself getting wetter by the second. He leaned down, whispering in my ear, "I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you" he grabbed my shoulders with both his hand spinning me around and pressing my back against the door, sliding one of his legs in between mine, just hovering under my pussy. My breathing was becoming fast, and my skin was on fire. Every part of me craved him, wanting him to explore every inch of my body. He stared down at me, never losing eye contact with me.

I went to speak, and he put his finger over my mouth. "don't ever invite me in."

As soon as he said that, I was snapped out of the trans. He had me and hit me with an image in my head. It was like I had heard those words before come out of his mouth. He stepped away. I was shaking my head, trying to get the puzzle pieces to match up in my head, but I couldn't grab onto any of them. They all flow around in their out of control.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to the real world. "you better get some sleep," he leant down, kissing me on the head. "goodnight, my pretty little princess."

Luna WickenWhere stories live. Discover now