˚ · 𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆

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The second date as chosen by Jeon Taehyun was to occur between him and Dalmi. They had been on a date before as well and Dalmi had returned disappointed, expressing how she didn't enjoy any inch of it yet Jeon Taehyun decided to be sincere and consistent and again chose the date to make it up to her.

"Hey, I am so sorry for being late," Jeon Taehyun entered the room which had a table laid in the centre on top of which rose petals were evenly spread out and a small candle was lit. "Hello," Dalmi replied back, her tone dry. She wasn't feeling it after the guy had delayed the date for four hours or so.

"Wanna take a stroll around the garden, it'll freshen you up?" "No, I am good," she replied back almost immediately. Her expressions clearly matched her actions. Of all the people on her mind right now, Jeon Taehyun was not even in the top ten and no wonder why. He barely showed himself and whenever he did, he used to talk about such weird stuff that always used to catch Dalmi off guard, hence she never was interested in him.

"What's your ideal date then?" "Anywhere where you aren't there and the guy makes an effort for me and spares time for me rather than standing up on me," she answered honestly. "You seem pissed, you good?" "You expect me to be good? You stood me up. Please go look for your Juliet type of girl somewhere else because I am definitely not that type." "I really am sorry Dalmi, work just came up and I- I'll try to make it up to you now," Jeon Taehyun pleaded. Dalmi didn't look him in the eye when he talked and just nodded, dryly. Except for her frustrated comments, the date didn't seem to be going anywhere much.

"I'll do anything you tell me to," he enthusiastically put in. Dalmi now jerked her head up only to tell him, "I don't have anything much to say so if you don't have either, then let's end this." "I meant I suck at starting conversations but I'll still try to make up for what I did."

"Taehyun, why did you choose me for the date even though last time I admitted you being boring after talking to you for less than thirty minutes?" Dalmi straight away shot to the elephant in the room. She had been too vocal about her likings, which at this time were limited to Yun Taehyun and Jaehyun. "I chose you because talking to you felt different, and because I haven't done much in my life other than being a hypocrite," he ranted. "No exes?" she didn't even pay much interest to his rant and jumped to the conclusion. "I had, but they were just hookups."

[How did you feel about the second date with Jeon Taehyun?]

[I didn't have feelings for him but one thing that really bugged me was how did someone even agree to hook up with a guy like that.]

The air seemed to be less tense now that Jeon Taehyun had made her calm down a bit. "You had exes?" "No, I hadn't thought much about love and relationships until the show."

"So does your answer about the 'ideal date' stay consistent or do we have a change of mind?" Dalmi pondered a little before answering, "My ideal date would be anywhere cosy with a person I like and admire." She reciprocated the question, "My ideal date would be you honestly." One could make out Dalmi stifling a yawn yet she managed to give a surprised reaction to his statement.

"On a side note, it's just a comfy place with nice lightning." "Oh like our setup now?" "Yes." The conversation then shifted to a very one-headed side where Jeon Taehyun kept shooting questions and Dalmi would dodge some of them and answer some to keep his heart and at times she'd ask him the same thing back so as not to make it seem like she's uninterested. And just like that the time limit for the date was over and it approached an end, something Dalmi was really relieved at. "What if I say I like you, out of the blue?" The girl looked like she'd rather drink poison. "If I like you then we can go ahead and if not then I'll tell you honestly." By then thankfully Jeon Taheyun had learnt that Dalmi wasn't interested in him and they nodded and made their ways out of the date area.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 (dating show // applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now