chapter 11

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His idea of food is a loaf of bread that’s dropped off a day later by a Visgoth demon who’s dumber than a doornail. I asked for more water, and he just kept pointing at the bread. Thankfully, only my hands were tied, and I was able to find the remaining five in a backroom closet of sorts, along with a pair of scissors and a cactus plant. The scissors were useful, although the cactus would go nicely in V’s eye.
With my hands free, I explore the contents of his desk. There are some blueprints scattered for what looks like a very complex mansion. A few expired plane tickets in various identities. I try to memorize all the names and details. With a quick couple of clicks, I verify his outdated computer is password protected. As if that could stop me. Hello? Witch here. What an amateur. I reach into the recesses of my mind, trying to remember the revealing spell I haven’t used in ages. Bingo! With just a few sentences, the password fills itself in.
how anticlimactic. I would have gone for something a bit trickier or maybe cooler, to each their own. 
The first thing I do is try to send a message out, but no such luck. Guess there’s no internet out here wherever here is. When that doesn’t work, I open offline files. He’s got checklists, name lists, and backgrounds on various people; including me. Where did he acquire this information? I open my file and read the contents. Most of its pretty basic and can be pulled by a soft check, but the location of my home and connections I’ve gained over the years takes some serious digging. Looks like he’s not as stupid as he appears to be. On the bottom there’s a brief paragraph of notes he declares: personal facts.
Lives alone
High on herself
Has a wolf mate
The last one has me tripping up. Interesting choice of words. Not stalker, admirer, boyfriend, why mate? Does he know something I don’t? Is that why Grayson’s interest in me hasn’t waned? If that’s true, he’ll find me. He won’t give up searching until he does. A glimpse of hope has me smiling stupidly. I find his file at the bottom of the list. I’m suddenly very curious as to what it says.
“Find anything interesting?”
I jump back with a squeak, banging my head on the cave’s very hard wall.
In an instant, I’m thrown back. My head takes an even harder knock.
“Would you prefer I hog tie you and chain you to the wall? You can sit in your human waste and starve like your sister.”
I spit in his face. Stupid? Yes. called for? Absolutely.
“Are you truly that daft? You push me human; your life is worth nothing to me.” 
If he’s expecting an answer, I can’t. He’s pushing so hard on my trachea breathing is a struggle. The moment he lets off, all I can do is glare while catching my breath. Little does he know those last three words set the course as he’s verified my first instinct. He can’t be trusted. As soon as this spell is done, we’re both dead. Taking a chance, I go for my only play. 
“I understand. Your actions are crystal clear, and I haven’t been very honest.” I tell him.
He steps toward me with his hands out, ready to choke me again. I step back quickly, holding my hand up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize the situation I was in, and now I do. My life lays in your hands. The last thing I want to do is tick you off.”
He seems to gain some form of control and is back to his sickly sweet side.
“What have you not been honest about?”
Taking another deep breath through my now sore and swollen throat, I tell him.
“I may have left out some key supplies trying to sabotage the spell.” The words rush out in a desperate tone as I play him like a fiddle while also risking my neck. I don’t have to fake my fear. He takes the bait, and the look in his eyes has me second guessing. It’s too late now. 
“You will rewrite the list and forget nothing! If we need to have this conversation again, it will be your last... and your sisters.”
I gulp as sweat beads on my forehead. My plan isn’t without its risks, but at least I have a chance. I wish I’d dabbled in black magic. Maybe then I’d be able to conjure up a demon that teleports and get my ass out of here. Wherever the hell here is, because even if I could match this V’s power and somehow subdue him. I’d just die here with no way out. There’s still a chance Grayson can find me. I only hope that I’m truly his mate. I inwardly laugh at the turn of events. If Grayson was honest with me from the get-go, I probably wouldn’t be in this mess. Had I known he was my mate... What do you know, he is flawed after all?

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