-21-April Fools!

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summary: pranking Walker (dating)!!
triggers: none
request: I mean it is April fools so I couldn't miss this opportunity!!

🎀let's get into it🎀

I walk up to the Scobell house hold and ring the door bell. It's currently 8 am, April 1st, and I'm about to pull a prank on Walker.

It might seem a little mean, especially it being early in the morning. But I need to do it now before he remembers what day it is, and I've even gotten his family in on it.

"come on!!" I hear someone shout, I assume that it's Mrs. Scobell based off of the voice.

"hey Mrs. Scobell!!" I say walking in, taking off my shoes, and giving her a hug.

"hey sweetie, ready to prank walk?" she asks me as she passed me a cup of coffee/tea/favorite morning drink, just the way I like it.

"thank you! and yes I'm so ready, I just hope he doesn't get too upset with me." I say starting to actually get nervous as I sip on my drink.

"oh he could never be mad at you! I mean I couldn't and I don't think the other kids could either! You two will be ok!" She says reassuringly, "let me go get him!" and then she goes to get Walker.


"hey y/n/n, what are you doing here so early?" he asks walking up to give me a hug, which I push away (I KNOW IM SORRY GUYS ITS FOR THE PRANK!!!)

"hey Walker..." I say putting a sad look on my face.

"what's going on? are you okay???" he asks starting to get nervous.

"yeah, hey let's go sit down we need to talk about something." I say and walk over to the couch with Walker following me with many questions.

"okay, actually what's going on? you're genuinely scaring me" he says to me

"Walker, I'm going to be honest with you. and before I tell you just let me speak." I say taking a deep breath when I see him nod, "I just feel like this isn't working, like we aren't working. and it's nothing that you've done, I just feel like with the distance of you always coming and going for acting. I feel as if it's best if we break up."
I tell him.

"what? what do you mean break up? I mean we've made it work, we can make this work, right?" he says starting to tear up, maybe I've gone to far, "I mean it's always worked and why now???"

"I don't know Walker, I mean I still want to be friends and all. but I can't put myself into the position where we can't see each other again, especially within a relationship." I say and he just walks off and up the stairs with me following behind him.

"Walker get back here!" I tell him as has rushes to his room, slams the door, and locks it, "walker!! open the door right now!!"

"no! If you don't want to be with me then get out of my house!" he says crying.

"Walker it's just a prank!! look at todays date!"
I say desperately trying to get him to understand that I'm just playing around.

"what?" he asks and I hear him walk to the door.

"It's April 1st" I ask, and when he opens the door, "it's April fools, I was just playing with you"

He doesn't say anything but pull me into a hug and just holds me. After about 3 minutes of just hugging I say to him, "I didn't think you'd react that way, I'm sorry."

"it's okay." he whispers not letting go.

"we good?" I ask still making sure that we actually still have a relationship.

"only on two conditions." he says with a smile as he pulls away from the hug.

"and what are they?"

"first promise to never prank me like that again, and two can we go back to sleep? I'm tired." He says which makes me laugh and I nod my head.

"I promise" I tell him.

We both go and lay in his bed and he turns on some random show, because we both know that we are about to be out within the next few minutes.

"I love you y/n/n"

"I love you Walk."

the end!

a/n: happy April fools!!
word count: 732

Walker Scobell One-ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin