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illicit affairs
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The next morning, Stella awoke with arms wrapped around her, a comforting presence amidst her turmoil. Riley, Ivy, and Piper had insisted she sleep in the same bed as them, offering solace and support throughout the night. Despite their comforting embrace, Stella had spent the hours crying her eyes out, grappling with the painful reality of their breakup. As much as she wanted to deny it and cling to a sense of normalcy, she knew deep down that their relationship had ended over a trivial argument.

With a heavy heart, Stella resolved not to reach out to him, and she doubted he would initiate contact either. But she couldn't shake the feeling of unease as she recalled the tension-filled atmosphere of the previous night. Matt had wanted to talk to her before they departed, but his anger and the chaos surrounding him had made it impossible. With Nick yelling, Chris ignoring, Madi awkward, and Erin incessantly hovering, it had been a recipe for disaster.

As Stella washed her face and prepared to face the day, the reality of their impending separation weighed heavily on her mind. Chrome Hearts were leaving that day, still on their tour with another 22 shows ahead. Stella let out a weary sigh as she exited the bathroom and stepped into the hallway, her stomach growling with hunger.

All she craved was some Reese's Pieces and a bag of crisps to ease her troubled mind. Lost in her thoughts and the music playing through her headphones, Stella wandered down the hallway, only to be jolted out of her reverie by the sound of a door slamming shut. She looked up to see Matt, frustration etched on his face as he ran a hand through his hair before turning in her direction.

Stella's heart skipped a beat as she stood frozen in place, unsure of what to do or say in the face of their unexpected encounter.

As Matt's gaze meets Stella's, a palpable tension fills the space between them, thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Stella's heart races as she struggles to find her voice, grappling with the weight of the moment.

Taking a tentative step forward, Matt's expression betrays a mix of conflicting emotions. "Stella..." he begins, his voice laden with frustration and longing.

Stella feels a surge of emotions bubbling up inside her, but she pushes them down, steeling herself against the vulnerability she knows she can't afford. "Matt," she replies, her tone steady despite the turmoil raging within her.

Silence hangs heavy between them, the distance feeling like an impassable barrier. Stella searches Matt's eyes, finding a reflection of her own inner turmoil mirrored in his pained expression.

"I didn't... I don't want..." Matt trails off with a sigh, shaking his head in defeat. "Don't even worry," he adds dismissively.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Stella meets his gaze with a mixture of frustration and confusion. "You can't honestly expect me to know what to say to you right now," she retorts, her voice tinged with exasperation. Matt scoffs in response.

"You're the one that broke up with me," Matt says, his tone tinged with disbelief. Stella furrows her eyebrows, her expression unyielding. "Yeah, but you were getting there, so I just did it first."

"Where did you get that idea from?" Matt asks, closing the distance between them. Stella runs a hand through her hair, her frustration palpable. "Oh, I don't know, when you said, 'I don't wanna be with someone I can't trust'?" she quotes, her voice laced with sarcasm. Matt shakes his head in denial. "That didn't mean I wanted to break up!"

"Well, it sure sounded like it, bud," Stella retorts, her words dripping with bitterness.

"I can't fucking argue with you anymore," Matt says, his patience worn thin as he turns on his heel and begins to walk away. Stella scoffs in exasperation. "Always fucking walking away," she mutters under her breath.

Later that day, the girls gathered by the bus, preparing to depart. Chris hugged each of them in turn, offering Stella an extra tight embrace. Matt stood off to the side, his gaze fixed ahead, avoiding eye contact with any of the girls. Nick and Madi bid them farewell with hugs, and then the girls began to board the bus. Stella hurriedly rushed on first, eager to put some distance between herself and her now ex-boyfriend.

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illicit affairs
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ivy parker

♪ emo boy

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♪ emo boy

♡ 2.6 million

💬 150k

is stella the emo boy in question...?



lol whyd matt unfollow her on everything ???

smella 🤗🤭

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illicit affairs
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see you all in the new era 🫡

sorry this is so short but like HELLO NEW ERA 😶

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