old wounds

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Standing looking at the fortress , he wasn't happy He brought it here . Yet giving the circumstances its was this or nothing that could constitute  as good would follow .  Hughie Campbell stood  reluctant  to even  press the buzzer  to the ever growing irritation to two men of the group. " you sure you wanna be here " Annie whispered so softly.  " who lives here anyway place is like Fort knox  " Ben grumbled . " my sister , she likes to be safe " he mumbled hitting the bell finally knowing if he didn't billy butcher would smash his,head of it .  " you have rich sister and we only found this out now , sneaky cunt " the brit gruffed a laugh as they walked  towards the large house.  "  I don't want to bring her into this,  she not had the best history with supes " hughie smiled sadly.  " none of us Ave mate " . " her mom and sisters , step dad were killed by supes and no one believed her  , alot still don't " he panted legs stinging at the uphill walk. " you didn't either " her voice called making there heads shoot up to see the woman standing with the gun aimed for them . " yeah I know gun down there ok " he walked up the steps hugging her but she pulled away . " yet one of the 7 and prehistoric supe  is here  " she grumbled  Turing to the house . " well she's a ball of fucking sunshine " Billy laughed as they followed.

" you with me office now , you all can help yourselves to a drink , hey kimiko " she waved to the woman before walking off .  " how the fuck she meet her " he could be hear butcher asked.  He knew it was stupid to come here seemly only time he would come is to ask a favour  after she was first to reach out fully when robin was killed.   he couldn't help feel like he was being ushered to the princples office and in any other situation he would laugh. she sat looking at him  as if to say explain yourself and yet he couldn't open his mouth  like words failed to form in his mouth. a silent stand off between siblings as he just tried to formulate it .  " for someone who doesn't want me in his business this coming by is tad bit hypocritical " she finally spoke. " we need to lay low " he cursed himself how desperate he sounded but it was really the time for it . " thought i was too immature , too invested to be dealing with this shit " she could almost laugh at the hypocrisy of it . " i know the last time we spoke wasn't the best and i didn't want to involve you fuck sake your my little sister " he began . " don't pull the doting big brother act with me fuck sake its spineless , you only come to me when you need something  now you expect me to house the boy band as well as supes ". " annie is not like them , she's different , she special  and well soldier boy is our only chance against homelander " . " fuck me just cause she warms your bed doesn't mean she special dearest brother  you can stay a couple of days they try anything  and they're dead simple as " she nodded to the door . " when did you become so bitter" he asked stunned . " when the only people that cared for me screamed for their lives died in front of me and when i kept thinking my big brother was there for me only to discover it was what i could give him , now fuck off " she nodded once to the door again . 

head hung low and guilt ridden hughie returned to  the group . " let me guess we need to clear out " billy smirked. " couple of days she giving us which is more than i deserve  " he slumped down on the sofa annie holding his hand . " well its better than nothing  i suppose well done " billy nodded. " she didn't seem to be happy to see you " MM  more so asking for what was going on . " i'm not but sure fuck it  , help yourselves to food and stuff in the kitchen , clean up after yourself , hughie and kimiko can show you to the spare rooms  " she stood at the door . " thanks  sweet thing " soldier boy winked . " i'm not your sweet thing your lucky you and sunshine aren't sleeping in the barn " she rolled her eyes . " hi i'm annie , starlight "  the woman stood nervously. "  good for you  just cause your fucking him doesn't mean  i wanna shake your hand " she walked back out the room barely giving the woman a glance .  " how are you related " frenchie asked . " how does she know kimiko " MM asked same time . " my dad and her mom had an affair  and kimiko came couple time last time we had nasty fight " he huffed . " i don't know why everyone is so down for i think she great " billy chuckled.  

tossing and turning she couldn't sleep the flashes of the past hitting her like a freight train  . their faces haunted her every time her eyes closed . face first in such fear then emotionless and cold , no sign of life in their once bright beautiful sparkling eyes .   she finally gave up on  her attempt grabbing her headphone and phone before she got tshirt and sweats on  before walking down to her home gym . She put the music so loud it would dull out any screams in her head  while she wrapped her hands . each punch to the bag was like she was punching the images from her head  hoping  to beat them from her memories .  she felt the burning sting on her knuckles but it didn't matter it made her hit the bag harder and harder each time til the spotches of blood appeared on the bag. she was so stuck in her actions she didn't notice him watching it was only when she felt something coming behind her . instinctively she turned and sent the intruder to the floor.  " well shit " she heard him grunt as she took the headphones off.  " don't sneak up on me then " she snarled walking to grab the towel . " didn't mean to startle you sweetheart well i heard commotion wanted check it out  " he groaned lifting himself from the ground . "   Now you do , leave me be  no one likes a nosy cunt " she said drinking her water. "  you're bleeding " he eyes looked at the blood seeping through . "thanks sherlock "  she rolled her eyes .  " i'm not your brother no need to be pissy with me " he laughed.  " that's not a brother more a pain in my ass , now can i help you with anything or what cause if not piss off " she walked to the treadmill . " pain in mine too yet we still help him out huh?" he chuckled. " look whatever this is , i'm not in mood for " she kept her eyes straight ahead as she started off with light jog .  " how come your rich " he asked ignoring her. " cause i wasn't murder like rest of my family , i'm 24 , star sign is who gives a fuck , i like long walks on beach , like dogs more than cat   anything else you wanna ask "  she turned her head looking at him . " very young to be so bitter do you not think " he smirked . " bit old to be running around fighting supes do you not think " she shot back .   " fiesty little cunt i like you more than hughie i'll tell you that one "  he walked closer towards her.  "  just forget about me everyone else did or does unless they need something " she turn machine off before walking out the room . 

 the sun risen as she awoke a couple of hours of sleep was all she could stand any times before she got up taking the headphones before throwing  a new t-shirt on along with  some shorts , she was glad the house was still quiet when she went to the front door  leaving the water bottle on the porch she took off running  using the large expanse of property  as her running trail .   listening to music as  she ran under the heat of the suns rays .  she could smell the fresh air fill her nostrils a slight sense of peace she had before they showed up and knowing this was the only way she would get it til she turned to see the blonde hair beside her , eyes forward .  " fuck sake " she growled and stopped walking to the house seeing her peace was interrupted .  she barely looked at  her brother standing  on the porch holding her water bottle out to her . " tell super barbie i prefer my runs alone "  was all she said leaving the water in his hand.   " she trying " he said sadly. " well stop  another 5 days you can stay after that i don't want to hear from you ok next time your in trouble " she slammed the door behind him .  "Well good morning sweetheart " billy called as she walked into the kitchen . " sorry i should of asked ,i can make you some too " frenchie grimace as he cooking away . " no it's ok  help yourselves " she took out protein bar and bottle of water .  " you should eat more than that now " he smiled. " nah i have  shit to do in the office since sunshine ruined my run " . "  well then sit and eat " butcher patted the chair. " nah thanks " she moved further away before she was out of  room completely. " she's bitchy " MM whispered . " i think she adorable " ben chuckled.  " hey is Y/N in here " hughie ran in . " she went to here office "  frenchie gave him a sympathetic smile.  " fuck i need to make this right i've been horrible big brother even after " he sighed . " show her you mean it this time " kimiko signed. " she locked the office so you can't now " ben refilled his cup . " i though maybe if i joined her  could extend an olive branch " annie winced. "  no she hates you  and whatever you done or said really turned her to a bitter cunt " butcher took the plate . " she said we could stay 6 days so i can try fix it " hughie mused. " or maybe stop using her every time your in trouble  even i can see that girls struggling and i only met her " MM pointed out .  " he's not wrong , she made mess of her knuckles last night and i think she slept  3 hours or less " . " how would you know that " hughie turned quickly . " because someone had to stay wake make sure she didn't kill us in our sleep " . 

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