Sleeping beauty

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the first few days of her still in a deep slumber as the team took turns in rotation watching her keeping eye on monitors or update if she woke . Thanks to a contact the drug they found  could be the reason well they hoped it was the reason she was sleeping so long but only time could really tell .  All not verbally admitting in such a short time she had wormed her way in  even soldier boy who was convinced he didn't have a heart would try prolong his watch  not waking people or just simply staying in the room . Hughie  found himself silently praying to anything or one that would hear him needing her to be ok not wanting his little sister to slip away and maybe his own selfish reason of leaving things the way they were before he could really tell her what she meant to him . He wasn't the only guilty one  Billy butcher felt sick that he had accused her of being a spy for vought  wanting to give his own apology  he may of been a cunt but he did know when to apologise.... sometimes . he was just as bad as soldier boy in his shift of keeping an eye out and not bothering to wake anyone or staying in the room longer than necessary . he ignored when they told him they got it so they gave up saying it .  the first week past and nothing ,

Second week was starting and the hope was slightly fading giving she wasn't improving . A Plus side to the whole thing was she wasn't getting worse neither it was like she was frozen in a deep sleep . " fuck me " butcher chuckled at sudden thought . " what " hughies head shot up . "she's a real life sleeping beauty " he smiled . "  huh guess she is .. maybe you should kiss her see will she wake up " annie giggled. " don't do that please" hughie grimaced . " oh come on even before this he was looking at her with those puppy dog eyes i mean before he was a dick to her" she gave the brit a knowing smirk . " if i went near her  she wake up just to clock me one and she hits harder than him " billy chuckled . " she had training i mean shit fuck ton of training " hughie rolled his eyes. "  you're good at other things honey " annie patted his hand .  "  plus she half my age or something and she wants to murder me to " billy added. " your not denying it , please deny it " hughie almost begged. " it's hard not to like her , she funny  and gorgeous like fuck me beautiful  and that temper could get a priest fucking going " billy  listed off as hughie mouth dropped and annie smile grew winder. " well when she wakes up make it right and ask her out " she sang. " if she wake up love " he sighed . " she will and you will tell her I didn't call her spoiled princess " hughie said with finality . " right dick faces my turn " ben walked in  .

" you can leave you know that " he kept his eyes on the tv . " so can you mate " butcher grumbled back .  " that little fucker I should of went out looking for the cunt as you would say " ben growled. " I mean from what you said she tore him a new one and  again  I don't think he will be stupid to come near her again " he chuckled only imagining what she did wondering if she made him cry like a bitch . " I don't get it thought why would homelander use a fucktard like that I mean he's more to lose if she doesn't get the code in on time " ben mused the whole thing felt fishy that much was for sure. " a video get out  big whoop , he plenty out there " butcher rolled his eyes . " you don't know what else she has do you ? " ben smirked feeling  special.  " what you blabbering on about " . " well unlike you I didn't interrogate her or be an asshole I mean we were smoking on the balcony I had same thought as one of you theories " he smirked

The smoke session barely even started when they took the patio chairs she had placed on her balcony. " why you smoke here " he asked. " the view  like this night time mainly smoke a joint and just get lost in the stars " she said easily looking out . " you know space man your not wrong  it's  nice view , another thing before you fly me to the moon and that why is homelander really after you  what else do you have " he chuckled at his own joke . " space man wishes he got moons like i do ,  Frank sinatra  nice I'd make a joke but the man songs are classic , I don't just have a video I have the thing my step dad made that would put homelander down for good if he ever went rogue and if it  get released along  with every dirty little secret vought hidden over decades , before you say it I asked same thing why not release it now ,well if it  gets  into the wrong hands the  world's fucked , terrorist get weapons that could take over  cities fuck even countries  big and small , so when you preform your way too late abortion on your devil spawn ill release voughts dirty secrets,  cover ups the lot take them all down " she lit the joint . " you know for a broad your smart as hell " he winked . '" and for a sexist misogynistic granny banger your actually good company " she winked back handing him the joint  " don't tell your bitch of a brother but he might of actually done the  most impossible and got me a real fucking friend " he smiled genuinely . " even if it a broad   " he added teasingly . " and moment gone " she snorted head leaning back to look up at the evening sky .

" so she has plans that would take down vought once you take down homelander" butcher couldn't help as his jaw dropped. " yeah so why would homelander risk his own demise I mean she's right the commies get their hands on those secret weapon plans its game over  " he shrugged . " maybe we get Kevin down here"  butcher mused. " good cop , bad cop sort of thing " he mused ." Bad cop , worse cop is more the thing I was looking for  , I'm sure we can get the little cunt to squeal like a pig if we press hard enough ". " how do we find him , the Internet thing " ben pulled his phone out. " I mean could but I doubt that  he would make it easy but I'm sure she would be able to or told someone " he mused. " we can start at the office  , someone there would know  she has that address written  in the little black book she keeps in her bag " he mused  as butcher pulled his phone out already typing away.  They waited til annie walked in holding the little book .  " what this all about " she asked holding it up  wanting explanation before she handed it over. " were looking for the one eyed minion " butcher smirked . "  we going to pay that office a visit knowing someone there where know where he is  and stuart is the one eyed minion  " ben grinned . " ok and ? " she looked between them intrigued  but not convinced . " well once we find him bring him here , get the real reason for all this shit cause as much as I hate it homelander  isn't behind this one and how to wake her up  " it almost killed him those words coming out of his mouth .  " so you think this kevin is trying to frame homelander " she asked lowering her hand ." Well yeah , jesus you really are fucking blonde " ben snorted as she glared  . " he ain't wrong anyways give us the book and we will go on our way once the shift is ended " he went to reached out for it. " I'll get Hughie you guys go , be careful  " she finally handed it over . " we always are " billy flashed her a grin that told her the opposite 

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