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Once Ben was satisfied the moment was ruin and his cockblocking efforts were a success he headed to bed , not before telling her rambo would be better if he was more like him. which earned a pillow to the back of his head and her to earn a high five .  the two moved on to next movie which butcher was sitting have an internal fight with himself .  for one it was first time in a long time he's thought of someone in such a way , second she was 24  nearly half his age , she was hughies kid sister  . He wanted to cross that line help he though he got it out of system when she was sleeping , when they were alone and everyone was sleep now possibility that he projected the whole thing into her head . It was first time he hated to say he had an instant connection with  since becca which also terrified him but in all the conflict he couldn't tear himself away .  like a moth to a flame it  or homelander to the spotlight , it was new   and scary not that  he would admit that one out loud at all or   even fully to himself. could he have something in this world , this life he dealt with  was it really worth feeling that pain all again if something was too happen .  mind running through overdrive barely paying attention to the screen til he felt something hit his shoulder only to see her head  there , eyes  close , plump lips parted as the little even breathes came out her mouth .  maybe he could do it one more time . 

   like  it was first nature she could feel a looming presence over her  and after the predictably shitty nightmare sent her into action   . she didn't even have to open her eyes to hit the compartment on her bed to pull the dagger from as she pulled the person hovering over  her down . " mon ami it's me" the voice choked out . " and why where you hovering over me asleep like a weirdo" she looked down to a now freak frenchie. " close up " he held the phone up as she let him go .  only to see the rest of them bursting out laughing   what she didn't expect was the large arms around her waist to pull her back down  so she was laying down fully again . " how many secret compartment is there in this place " . " well if  she told you that it wouldn't be secret man " MM voice.  " no one gonna ask why billy butcher is in my  sister bed holding her hostage " . " do you wanna move love" his breath was hot on her neck . " not really no " she smiled . " see she not a hostage now lot of ya fuck off " he groaned .  " into older guys huh " ben smirked. " not prehistoric ones though " she shot back .  "  ok come on we had our fun " she could hear annie fighting the urge to laugh and she could only picture the face of horror on hughies face but she didn't seem to really care .  " who knew   you were a cuddler " .  "  very few  did " he nuzzled his face into her neck  making her sigh happily but the fall into a fit of giggles . " what " he couldn't help his lips twitching upwards at the sound . " like big teddy bear"  her hands trace over his arms , like she soothing at the reservation he had the night before with a simple movement. " so tell me what did you say while i was in my little coma " she felt him suddenly still and stiff  . "  awh just about england and shit tea you have here" he shrugged .  " hmm  i don't think that was it " she mused tapping her finger on her chin before turning to face him . " what was it then " he knew shit he fucking said it hoping to get it out of his system . " tell you or show you" she bit her bottom lip , eyes looking up through her eyes lashes  making butcher think maybe there was a god and he wasn't such a cunt after all .  " visual learner myself love"  before he moving her on  to her back crashing his own lips to hers .  skin alight , nerves coming to life, fire works and galaxy alining cliche was the only way she felt when he's lips touched her. at first it was a nice sensual full of affectionate kiss til she let out a little moan .  like a fire lit and the kiss began to heat up  hand gripping her waist  while she was pulling him closer with her hand on the back of his neck .  their tongue in a dance for dominance she had no problem losing .

she did however hated the fact she needed oxygen pulling back .   He wanted to check his pulse , see if he was still alive cause he was surely in heaven with an angel , granted a horny one but definitely an angel,  her lips kiss bitten swollen  , eye dilated looking at up at him innocence yet filled with divience all in one . " ok you two out breakfast ... now ... please " hughie banged the door down filled with panicked plea's . " come on  , y/n you going to see dad today for lunch and mia's here " he shouted as the two stared at the door . " fuck sake coming " she growled . " eww what the fuck " hughie screeched. " not that coming i mean ugh just come in you asshole " she huffed before kissing butcher again and heading to the bathroom . " really my sister" hughie huffed .  " oh give it up  , your probably more jealous i won't take your boyfriend from you big brother" she called going into her closet .  " you jealous mate , want a cuddle " butcher winked taking the piss out of man before him  . " ew no, gross god forget i said anything you two are perfect for each other,  annie made pancakes  "  he grimace before walking out. 

" catch em banging  " ben asked as hughie walked in horrified . " no   i'd probably pass out with that one " he shuddered. "  then what were they doing " frenchie asked confused . "  we were doing nothing trying to sleep " she shrugged. " yeah tell that to your heart beat and ... " . "  please don't finish that sentence " mia scrunched her nose. " food and coffee or i'm doing target practice in the kitchen " she mumbled  just as kimiko place the coffee and pancake in front of her. "  smart thinking " ben nodded to the mute woman.  " she did growl at me before  she had coffee once" MM said as the rest agreed easily . " she growls at me all time you get used to it  we even last night for the movie " ben shrugged . " that's  cause you kept talking through the movie " butcher answered for her kissing top of her head making her stiffen and look up at the man with a smile on for him to kiss her lips again shocking her as well as the . " well look at soft balls here " ben laughed. " it's disgusting " hughie grumbled. " its cute " kimiko signed . " it's too early for it trying to eat " MM grumbled . "If  Mia was to kiss you , would it still be too early " her eye flicking between the two  seeing there flushed faces. " ok well played " MM's hand held out to shake hers. " erm angel , you  got a meeting in 5  with miller , it's important " mia winced looking down at her phone   not baring up look up . "  duty calls i guess " she lifted the plate and mug  before kissing the brit  who to hughies and the rests annoyed huff  as he deepened it . " meeting in 3 " Mia yelled making her whine .   "i'll call when time go to dad's " hugh called after her.   " what your intentions with my Y/N " ben crossed his arms . " mate your not her dad " butcher huffed a laugh. " no but her dad would be too much of a pussy to ask so i'll ask and she's  my best friend " he said making everyone turn and look at him as well as mia glaring . " i don't answer to any of you now fuck off and let me eat "he huffed but they good see his little smile he was trying hide. 

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