Taddle Todd

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The group  all stood outside the now open door that lead down to the basement as kimiko walked up a smile on her little face . " she broke his hand so he might start singing when we go back down there " ben proud as punch behind her. " can I see Y/n"mia asked weakly like she was trying not to cry . " me and kimiko will bring her " annie smiled knowing it was probably better than what was going to happen down the basement giving she was a civilian . " she goes near her wrong way " ben spoke up.  " peel her like banana " kimiko smiled .  " exactly now let's say hello to hotshot down there " butcher rubbed his hands together taking the lead and the rest following behind .The door opening to the man eyes widening in fear  as he took the mean faces staring down at him . Saying something that was muffled by the tape that was over his mouth .  " ok cunt here's what going to happen your going to listen carefully , we will take the tape off now don't start screaming cause well  it's useless and I don't want to hear it , we want you to answer our questions and answer them truthfully .. nod if you understand " butcher stood arms cross , face hard set with a menacing smile only for the man to nod frantically . " good boy someone take the tape off not soldier boy you'll rip his lips off " he laughed scaring the man more.  " ouch fuck If this about the money  , i'll sort it with Adrian I'm good for it " he said quickly after hughie pulled the duct tape off. " no  adrian can wait his turn for you  what we wanna know where you little friend Kevin is " soldier boy crouched down .  " Kevin I don't know a Kevin , is he a minion " he shrugged .  With a nod from butcher  soldier boy took the man hand  bending his hand slowly first til he completely snapped it  . " well that's a lie and I don't like liars so I'll ask you again , Kevin where is he and what did he want with Y/N ".  " my hand  how the fuck am i going to do anything with two broken hands you sick bastards , as for Y/N  i hope the bitch was left dead " he wailed. " yeah ok says the one who drug women cause he can't get a girl willingly or conscious"  butcher rolled his eyes what he didn't expect was hughie diving on the man and punching his repeatedly  and to be honest he was slightly impressed.  only for soldier boy to pull him off and away . " we need him awake but  afterwards" he whispered with a wink.  " let him sit and think about what he going to say real carefully " butcher  nodded to the door as they walked up as he screamed loudly .  only for the when the door closed the heard nothing only to open it again to hear him still screaming.  " good soundproofing " frenchie smiled shutting the door again . 

Mia didn't have many friends in the world she was a sort quiet  , shy type well she was before .  one person who she could call her best friend was laying before her in a sleeping state . " is she ok like she not in pain right " she asked feeling stupid for even saying in first place. " she stable i mean  she's breathing but the drug is keeping her asleep " annie explain . " she got him back , she fucked him up i mean when he came out the bathroom the girls in the office told the cops they saw y/n leave before the whole thing went down  like  they know what those two are like " she sniffled holding her friends hand. " did anyone know she what she was doing" annie asked  softly. " no i mean  i did but no one else did it was too dangerous she said everything was too dangerous with her" she laughed dryly. " she does it to protect the ones she cares about i think " .  " i won't tell anyone you guys are here  by the way " mia  eyes looked between the two women who nodded. " do you know where kevin would go or how they could get todd to talk " . " i mean i stay clear of them but  i know Todd was all about appearance i mean it all his dad cares about , she might have it in the file or the black box a picture of todd and dudes , he's dad never caught up with the times if you know what i mean " she nodded. " black box?" . " yeah it's a black box we made of the company scumbags we were gathering it up  , the cabinet in her office has a secret compartment" mia explained further. "  how did we miss that" annie asked. " i can show you " she stood up .  " kimiko  will go with you " annie nodded.   " ok   it's so cool i mean when she showed me and  i was blown away " she rambled excitedly as the women walked out the room  reminding annie of a certain someone . " you just  had to find a female hughie right" she shook her head smiling.  

the men left him stew  for an hour before they opened the door carrying  two cups of water with them .  they seen the man slumped over the chair . " give me that " ben took the glass first throwing some ice cubes at the man before dunking the whole glass over him as he started screaming again . " oh shut it pansy boy" he rolled his eyes.  " i don't know where kevin is ok please let me go my dad can pay you " he whimpered  as snot and tears appeared . "  don't need money pal think real hard i mean really hard or we're going to break more things and you have a lot for us to break " butcher tsked . " he said he killed y/n and needed to get out of town because homelander was pissed ok  a cabin somewhere he would text me when things died down  i swear that the truth" he cried .  they heard a whistle to see kimiko stand with a couple of photo's in her hand and mia eyes looking over todd's now broken form with unreadable expression til his eyes locked on her. " you bitch when i get out of here i'm going to .. " he words cut off from ben slapping him again . " go near her again and i'll cut your dick off " was all he said.  The watched as butcher took the photo and mia whispering something in his ear making soldier boy break out laughing . " shit you really are a pansy boy huh ?" .  " i think daddy dearest wouldn't like to see his son being  with a man and a bottom no less" butcher held the picture up showing the big man todd face down ass up for a big hairy man in a shitty motel room .  " no no you can't my dad would cut me off , i'd lose everything  please you can't " he begged more than when he was getting tortured which only made them smile more  .  " well then tell us where kevin is  and daddy won't find out and we let you go " butcher shrugged. " fucksake he's in his mom's cabin she used to bring her men there , married guys she was fucking  " he began singing like a canary  giving address and  what was what around and everything inbetween .  " why homelander " butcher asked. " he said their tight i think it's a lie  ok i don't think he knows homelander he is obsessed with him though , dudes always bullshitting " todd whimpered.  " ok soldier boy you know what to do " billy nodded . " wait wait i did what you asked " he pleaded . " yeah he letting you go " butcher shrugged except soldier boy instead snapped the mans neck . " what you fucking do that for " billy yelled. " i thought that what we were doing once he talked " he shrugged.  " no we were letting him go " hughie ran to the trash can and puked . " fuck sake " billy huffed.  " we'll dump him on the way " he added .  " i mean  he kinda deserved it from Y/N  report the dude was a sicko and not stopping  , i'm happy a guy like that's not in the world while my daughter is in it " MM  pointed out. " he's not wrong" frenchie agreed . " yeah true good job mate , now lets go to a cabin in the  fucking wood" billy smirked. 

Anything but sunshine and Rainbows ( BILLY BUTCHER X READERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن